Is now below Revenge of the Sith on IMDB

And I thought Disney was supposed to repair the damage of the prequels? LOL, only 2 years in and this new franchise is already falling flat on its stupid face.




I guess purple hair doesn't beat purple lightsabre.


And poorly written characters don't beat bad acting.


Well, let's not pretend like the prequel characters were so marvelously written, either.


The dialogue was bad, but in the prequels the characters and their motivations at least made sense. I can't say that for the Disney films.


If you liked them, that's great, but I don't care about any of them. The only prequel character worth watching is Palpatine, and that's only because Ian McDiarmid is so great in the role. I don't even like Yoda in the prequels or new films.

Bail Organa, Padme, Anakin, Shmi, Watto, Qui-Gon Jinn - I can't get into any of them.


I would agree with that. In fact after letting it stew a couple days I corrected my rating for the movie and it’s my lowest rated Star Wars film. I can honestly say I enjoyed all of the PT more than TLJ.


Maybe there's hope yet? Now all we need is for everyone suckered by JJ 'mystery box' Abrams to give a genuine rating for TFA so that can sink down to live with the likes of Baby Geniuses where it belongs.


Ha I would rather watch baby geniuses
