
Never been a big fan of Star Wars, but I can understand and respect the popularity of the original trilogy. It's brilliantly produced, and most importantly has a story that is moving.

This shit is just like a roller-coaster ride of special effects with no story. I didn't care about any of the characters because they were poorly written into a story that kinda meanders along while expecting me to give a shit.

It feels like a massive and empty student film with a billion-dollar budget, written by an only modestly talented undergraduate who's smitten with his own brilliance.

I'm sure the geniuses at Disney know full well that this shit is running on the inexhaustible steam of the franchise, but I happen to think y'all should feel a little ashamed of yourselves. You should have higher standards and not support this amateur-hour scriptwriting with your hard-earned money.


So don't hold back, Poz. Say what you really mean.



I thought this was going to be about Barf from Spaceballs.
