The Light Saber -- spoilers

Where did it come from? Seriously. The last we saw it, it was tumbling from Luke's severed hand in TESB. So how did Moz end up with it? And how did she know it was Luke's? And why was it referred to as LUKE'S, when the original trilogy makes a point to say it was ANAKIN'S? (Ok, that question I get, given that Luke was the last person to use it.) I was hoping, after I saw VII, that some of these questions would be answered, but given that the light saber was destroyed, I don't see that they will.

Also. Why wasn't Luke's projection using his green one? What happened to it?


I bet he destroyed the green one after the encounter with Ben.


The Smoke Monster got it on Bespin and teleported it to Maz Kanata. That's the closest answer you will ever get from Jar Jar Abrams. :)
Luke doesn't have a lightsaber, since he doesn't want to be a Jedi any more. He probably tossed it into the sea.


Moz said it was Luke’s, AND his Father’s before him. She was also asked how she got it and she said it’s a long story. As for why he used it in his force projection, why not?
