white Egyptians?



Well, considering scientists are still unsure of what color ancient Egyptians were, Horus and Set are usually portrayed with animal heads, and the fact that Horus and Set are FICTIONAL GODS, I can see why


Egyptians weren't white.Got it?


Horus and Set weren't real. Got it?


I'd be careful with that. Some say they weren't real now, but for thousands of years they were so...


Nick Fury isn't black...


Mate, it doesn't work that way. Haven't you been to the progressive meetings?


Come on, that's not even on the same level as whitening an entire nation of people who weren't white.


If you had actually watched the movie you would have noticed that there are tons of black and brown people. Are you blind?


Not in main power positions, only in the lower positions.



Have you got any scientifically reliable proof about that?


He's white with black spots.


But most of them do have European roots. For instance, Macedonian. Many Egyptian leaders were of Greek descent.

-Join us-


Pretty sure some of them weren't Danish nor Australian nor Scottish though




whilst that's true, some effort so as to not insult the viewers intelligence would have been appreciated.

or else every movie would end up as bad as this, and that would be a really crap world.


Insulting Viewers intelligence while watching a fantasy movie depicting fictional characters. I see what you did there. Wait. I didn't. Because your argument is *insert text that's against IMDb regulations*.


YES in essense a mythological film can have ANYONE of ANY skin colour cast as mythical characters. Hence brown skinned Gwen in the Merlin tv series isn't an issue

BUT, and I emphasise BUT - you think that casting 95% of the series of Western Europe Mythology MERLIN tv series as black guys would be appropriate?

That's essentially what you are arguing for.NO, That's a FLOP, mate. Noone is going to accept that almost every knight of the round table was a black guy, just as no one should accept that Gods of Eygpt are almost all white guys.


NOW - I think what you can certainly allow for is reinterpretations of the myths in other settings - then you can mix and match 100% what you want.

However I accept the OPs argument that its simply easier to market a film with white guys in, because the audience is sometimes dumb enough to accept the rubbish they are watching.

Myths are a reflection of the society that constructs them, else they aren't the myths of that society.They become something else.


It's not about being dumb enough, it's the fact that Hollywood made the movie and the vast majority of the actors and audience in North America is white. My god, if this movie had been made in Japan, would anyone raise a stink about racism if they cast mostly Asian actors as Egyptians?


That reply is utter flop.

Firstly lets not pretend we know about Aisan cinema when they haven't made a gods of eygpt movie. You are surmising BASED ON ZERO KNOWLEDGE.

2nd -the vast majority of actors aren't white, they are just the ones gifted most success so that YOU see them most, and surmise that they are the vast number.

3rd - yes the audience is largely white. And that's a valid point ONLY IF YOU ADMIT THEY ARE DUMB ENOUGH to accept lots of white eygptians. So you are basically conceding to my point. Cheers.


You telling me you know whether or not an Asian company has made an Egyptian god movie? I don't. And I never said they had. I said IF they made one, I was predicting little to no complaints.

The vast majority of Hollywood actors ARE white, and the majority of North American audience members are white. I'm not "surmising" any of that.

Why does one have to be DUMB to accept a white actor playing the part of an Egyptian? It's called suspending disbelief and not being overly concerned about skin color. Unlike SOME people.


the vast majority of north america is not white. canada is pitifully underpopulated country and the United states is around 65% white(mostly aging). then you must understand that north america goes all the way down to the panama border with SOUTH america. the movie was made in australia so its a commonwealther problem of white washing egyptian history. ridley scot did the same in his egypt movie saying he couldn't market a movie casting "muhammad so and so" so he got some white guy no one has ever heard of


This is reply to Paulie not the person directly above -

I'm NOT telling you that at all - your next FLOP.

The majority of successful actors are white, that's different. And it does not mean for 1 seconds you wont find actors to fit the bill here.If you think so then you are a fool and that's your NEXT FLOP.

"Unlike some people" - like the people who made the film are obviously not concerned about skin colour. Another FLOP.


if you can name a sufficient amount of Middle eastern/Arabic actors who could have played all the major God parts...and whose names on the bill boards would STILL be as big a draw as Gerard Butler, Jefferey Rush, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and Chadwick Boseman..then fine. But I doubt you can..and neither could the film makers.


you think that casting 95% of the series of Western Europe Mythology MERLIN tv series as black guys would be appropriate?

If an African production company made a version of Merlin, then yes.


Usually i don't comment on these things but i have to this time. They are Africans ..fullstop... and yes that means a huge range of hues attached to it light to very dark as depicted in temple paintings etc.

But this European thing that somehow people went to Europe then BACK to Egypt from around 5000bc - 1000bc is BS.

If anything a tribe of Egyptians probably founded those parts of Europe ..But i know its a common mistake to suggest things the other way round..Basically its like saying Ethiopians are dark skinned Caucasians when in fact fair Caucasians are light skinned Africans since all modern humans are out of the horn.

Also the later Egyptian kingdoms did have strong links to the Greek/Turks etc due to trade/teaching and various wars. So some rose to become Pharaohs you can also check the research, that the Pharaohs whos DNA has been checked have "mixed" nationalities so not strictly European more like a blend with the Egyptian court.

The problem is this mixing happened alot later so the early Egyptians ,Ancient Egyptians ( non Pharaohs) DNA was checked light or dark skinned alot of them had the highly similar familial DNA with other East African groups.

The problem i have with artistic leicience these days is that people watch it assuming it as some accuracy.

So i think the phrase most have European lineage is incorrect.


Thanks for speaking sense.


Ramses was a Ginger. And redheads are the rarest and fairest of all white people.

Ich bin kein ausgeklügelt Buch, ich bin ein Mensch mit seinem Widerspruch.
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer


There are brown people with ginger hair ..i think you need to learn about more about genetics.

Just as there are tribes in eastern/southern Africa with blue eyes that have no admixture.You will find Aboriginals people and Melanesian with Blonde hair straight and Afros.

Also if you had lets say more DNA evidence of the Ancient Egyptian ruling classes/priesthood or craftsmen showing more middle eastern characteristics i might go ok possibly..But ONE pharaoh does not a civilization make..Remember it isn't colour that's the greatest gap GENETICALLY between human groups...EVERYONE has melanin so the genes that trigger it exist in all of us...Which is why the genome project came about..To try and group people and guess what its not easy ..Which is why its a probability not an exact match.

Also you should know even though some people are still in denial Blonde hair,RED hair, are weak recessive genes..Thats why there are so few people on the planet with these things naturally. MOST humans on the planet have melanited skin,hair and eyes..i.e degrees of brownness.Because it is protective.

Yes like European modern royals intermarrying was common place ...i.e a Greek concubine has children, those children become Pharaohs ..Like Cleopatra Yes her father was Greek..but her mother's linage is under question because she might have been the child of a Palace concubine so possibly Egyptian( African) rather than Greek.I don't think colour prejudice was as rampant as it is today.

The problem is we still go on our eyes for ethnic identification which is abit retrograde.Its what the American children ..i mean ruling group did ..so many slave children passed for white even if the mother was black.

We are the same species.There is more genetic diversity in one troupe of wild monkeys than the entire human race.


the macedonians and greeks came much later. cleopatra and the various ptolemies are closer to our time than the building of the pyramids. the hyksos and mysterious sea peoples turned egypt from black to brown but there weren't white people in any large numbers or power positions until much, much, much later


The middle east was the melting pot for all races(everyone is 1-3% neanderthal) so could have whites - you got it now?


They were light skin and middle skin and dark skin.


Great response.


Who said Egyptians are not white.. I'm an Egyptian .. we are Caucasian not coloured and I do have white complexion .. this is so raciest !!!


The Ptolemaic dynasty was


They weren't American Blacks either...
They, and mythical Jesus most likely looked liked those who slammed planes into buildings on 9/11.


They weren't black, Got it?


They aren't white in any of their paintings of themselves. They range from medium to dark brown.


In the same paintings women are often lighter color than the men from staying home more and getting less sun with a lighter tan. Are the women a different race than the men?


All races have women that are lighter on average than the men. That's just reality. Lighter still doesn't mean white.


Egyptians were white, that's a fact.


Like Arnold Vosloo, who played Imhotep in the Mummy movies, and looked just like a famous Egyptian statue, the green head.



not European white , i am an Egyptian white and i am not European white like butler


...and so was O.J. Simpson.


Really..lol check the familial DNA matches of most mummified Ancient Egyptians, they are akin to other east Africans i.e Ethiopians,Kenyans,Somalians..

#Ignorance is no excuse with google on hand.


Did you mean west Europeans?
Looks like they are white.


Egyptian painting tradition casted male figures as black and female figures as red: a tradition that began earlier in Macedonia. They're white. Stop crying about it people, history is not on your side.


The only thing white are your lies. Go rewrite history somewhere else you fraud. When I saw a study saying black and white men have the same average penis size it confirmed to me that you people lie about any- and everything.


LOL, You people? What do you mean "You people?" Kind of racist now arn't you.
Also the myth about penis size has been proven false over and over.


Lol, like I said...


Also the myth about penis size has been proven false over and over.



When I saw a study saying black and white men have the same average penis size it confirmed to me that you people lie about any- and everything.

Oh, so you were a troll all along. Good to know.


check this woman's statue... need i say more



really...so simple


Not that I believe anyone around here to be really interested in any facts, but: traditionally, Egyptian males are shown with red skin, Egyptian females - but for some few exceptions - with yellow skin.

And all of it has nothing to do with the real skin colour of the ancient Egyptians.

In Egyptian art, colour is used for its symbolic values: Red symbolized life, victory, anger, fire, the desert, but also protection and strength etc. Hence the association with masculinity. Yellow stood for gold, the sun etc., generally things considered of high value, imperishable, indestructible, eternal, life-creating. Therefore it was associated with women (and was also used to indicate that thhey spent more time inside the houses than the men).


Scientists are unsure about a lot of things, most things in fact.


White scientists and racists are unsure of their color, the rest of the world and civilisations know and have know that they are brownish and black depending on their tribes and regions.


Anthropologists know exactly how the egyptians looked like and it's very easy. Just go to Egypt and see how they look like, they are basically the same. They go from light brown to very dark but certainly don't look like white europeans. The first scene with that very white kid takes you immediatly out of the movie. Then it goes on with white people and british accent, WTF??


You stole the words out my mouth. The first scene took me away from the movie. The White Gods and all the darker people as villagers. None in power and this is about Gods of Egypt and Pharaohs. The European accents also done me in which makes me feel as if they think that language is more elegant


All gods are white. Evolution shows us that as humans evolved they became more white, just like our creators. We are becoming more Godlike as we evolve and thus whiter. Depicting Gods as white is just right.




It's a movie with fantasy elements. Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz wasn't black, so why are they black in the Wiz?

Please, get over yourself. If you have to complain about race, you are a racist.

Either don't watch it or make your own Egyptian movie if it offends you so much. Its really pathetic to see people complaining about race.


The Wizard of Oz was nothing since it is based on a fictional story. Now, the original movie had an all white cast--except for the WW of the West who was green, and the Tin Man was silver. But anyway, fine, that move was made in the 1930s. The Wiz, the musical and the movie made in the 1970s are based on that story but have completely different music. The Wiz was made as a reaction to very few African-Americans being cast in Broadway musicals. It was not what it is today, where you will see colorblind casting in a good number of shows on Broadway. That said, if they had open casting for the Wiz, it would be interesting to see how many non-African Americans would show up for the auditions. I suspect there would be some but not that many.

People can complain about whatever they want. And it is not pathetic, when there are still racial issues in the USA at least. If you don't like reading about it, then don't read it.



The original WIZ LIVE, was in the 1970s. I personally did not watch the remake in 2015, so I have no opinion on it. I do work as a performing artist onstage and the casting has improved, but in my area (which is not musical theatre) there is still a lot of prejudice against actors who are not white.

I don't know who you are referring to as "YOU" since you don't know me, nor do you know whether I belittle or cry racism in my life. For all you know I am white.

There is no way that racism can make a "comeback." People are racist or they are not. Let's just use the word PREJUDICE because the term racism is loaded. If someone has no problems with people of another race (?) or skin color or religion, just because other people talk about it is not going to make that someone all of a sudden become prejudiced against other people, that they never had a problem with before or never were prejudiced against. If it does than that person is very weak minded, and that is a bigger problem than being prejudiced in my opinion.

I personally do not think that prejudice based on skin color has made a "comeback." It has always been here. It did improve from the 1960s-1980s significantly as a result of the civil rights movement and affirmative action. I believe a lot of people did change the way they were thinking, or the most prejudiced died off. However, what turned the tide was the election of President Obama. There is a sector of the country that from the beginning of his term were very upset that a biracial (half black) man became president. Those people, and this was formalized by a certain political party, stirred up as much discord as possible against him and subsequently other prejudiced people felt it was okay to come out with their bigotry. We see that now increasing with a certain political candidate, initials DT, inciting these people because he says it, so it makes them believe it is ok to voice their long held within ideas.

I also think that technology, which really became prominent in the late 90s, internet, has fueled prejudiced because it gave an easy place for people to commiserate about it and band with other people who believed like them, all under an anonymous forum.

And lastly, because there are increasing number of non-whites in the USA, white people are having to share the pie with more non whites, and they are losing power. Some people cannot deal with that and they see it as people discriminating against them, when in may be a leveling of the playing field.


Yeah just gloss over the little fact that The Wiz Live was all black. It doesnt matter that you havent seen it, it still HAPPENED. In 2015. Where is the diversity? People whine about diversity in "white" films, why not the other way?

Also, you actually just stated the reason racism has made a surge when before it wasnt nearly this bad. Obama.

He race baits all the time along with Al Sharpton. He makes EVERYTHING into an issue of race and fires up the black population into riots, protests, etc. White people are getting sick of being labeled as evil racists, hence why Trump has such popularity.

Obama has ruined race relations. He has alienated white people and made black people feel indignant towards whites for something they arent even doing.


Sorry, but I do not agree with you.


You're not the only one. No one agrees with this bigot


It's a movie with fantasy elements. Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz wasn't black, so why are they black in the Wiz?

Please, get over yourself. If you have to complain about race, you are a racist.

Either don't watch it or make your own Egyptian movie if it offends you so much. Its really pathetic to see people complaining about race.

If you complain about racism you're racist. Good one.

Communicating with "you people" (bigots) is becoming like communicating with a toddler. You know actual words but your usage of them ranges from basic to nonsensical. You understand actual words but it would be like telling a two year old how to do an oil change. It's not connecting.

This world is becoming too much for you. You are really not gonna like it as time passes and racial/gender/whatever equality becomes a real thing.


This movie had nothing racially charged in it, except in your own minds. There is no hidden agenda, no message that is saying blacks are inferior or any other potential racism. The actors happen to be white, so what? That isn't an attack on black people.

They aren't waving confederate flags or wearing klan outfits. This is a movie that isn't even grounded in reality and people are arguing about historical accuracy.

Let's be clear here, YOU made it about race. I don't see anyone going "oh thank god they are all WHITE!" but I do see a lot of people going "why aren't they BLACK?"

YOU are the one making it about skin color. YOU are the one that is being racist.

The cry wolf over racism is getting old. Trump shouldn't even be in the running for president, but the fact that he is doing well tells you the general population is getting sick and tired of hearing about how EVERYTHING is racist. If Trump wins, you only have yourselves to blame.


Um no. People vote who THEY want to vote for. If people vote for DT it is because they believe in what he says, thinks he will be a good president. If he wins, no one can be to blame for it except for the people who voted for him, and those who sat home and voted for nobody! If you want to vote for him, go ahead, but don't try to blame the very people whom he has offended as reason for voting for him.


Trump is the embodiment of the general feeling of the US population.

People are sick of being politically correct. They are sick of being blamed for everything. They are sick of walking on egg shells to avoid offending someone for the TINIEST of grievances.

This movie is evidence of just how sad the perpetually offended have become. No one wants to hear it anymore. People have played the race card once too often.

If people werent constantly crying wolf over racism, Trump wouldnt nearly be this popular. Again, people are sick of it.

The perpetually offended have done this to themselves. With every complaint about racism, another person starts to get sick of it and then they notice Trump is not going to put up with it.


Sorry, my dear. We just see the world differently. It's time we agree to disagree. Thanks for the discussion and have a lovely day! 😃


Political correctness has gotten out of hand. People getting offended at everything and for everything is exasperating. Particularly when they get offended on behalf of people who don't feel offended in first place.

But being sick of political correctness is a really stupid reason to vote for Trump.
Which goes to show the stupidity of the average American voter. At least a large portion of it.

But in some ways he is a good fit for the US. He's the perfect candidate for a country that exaggerates its greatness, lies about its past, distrusts foreigners, constantly talks about itself, rudely dismisses differing opinions, makes everything personal, is bored by facts, and is obsessed with celebrity.


"But in some ways he is a good fit for the US. He's the perfect candidate for a country that exaggerates its greatness, lies about its past, distrusts foreigners, constantly talks about itself, rudely dismisses differing opinions, makes everything personal, is bored by facts, and is obsessed with celebrity."

I know this was posted six months ago, but damn that's accurate.


This movie had nothing racially charged in it, except in your own minds. There is no hidden agenda, no message that is saying blacks are inferior or any other potential racism. The actors happen to be white, so what? That isn't an attack on black people.

They aren't waving confederate flags or wearing klan outfits. This is a movie that isn't even grounded in reality and people are arguing about historical accuracy.

Let's be clear here, YOU made it about race. I don't see anyone going "oh thank god they are all WHITE!" but I do see a lot of people going "why aren't they BLACK?"

Okay, most of the replies in this thread (and this board in general) are silly, but I can't let this one go.

Can you imagine if they made a movie about George Washington crossing the Delaware that had obviously fictional and made up parts in it, but made the entire cast black or Asian or latino? There would be SUCH whining from people pointing out Washington wasn't white.

The fact of the matter is that this movie is terrible and a failure and had it been cast with non-whites they would be squarely to blame for its failure, but the whitewashed casting speaks to a larger perpetual problem with movies these days: women and non-whites, combined, have more spending power and see more movies than white guys, yet nearly EVERY major film produced is made by and for and is about white guys.

Just looking at some of the Best Picture nominees from this past year, most were biopics like Revenant, Spotlight, Danish Girl, Big Short, Steve Jobs, all about white people so they had to cast white people (though no Danes in Danish Girl or a Portuguese actor in Spotlight). Non-whites have virtually no shot at most roles as they are exclusively for white actors.

So here you have a movie set in Egypt where the casting of non-whites is not only reasonable, but makes total sense, and they don't do it, aside from the mandatory token. And people who complain that they cast Nick Fury or Heimdall or Perry White as black, understand that (not only did virtually NO ONE care about those characters in the first place) if they didn't, the entire cast would be totally white.

And as much as people don't like to admit it, that doesn't reflect the United States. Nearly 40 of the country is non-white, yet increasing numbers of our movies are not only 97% white, but they're often cast with foreigners (like this movie). So not only do non-white American actors have to compete with white American actors, but also foreign white AND black actors.

It just comes off as very condescending when people try to cloud the issue with "Egyptians could have been white" when we have drawings and skeletal reconstructions of mummies that point to them having distinct non-white features and skin tones. I mean pretty soon when they get around to making a Harriet Tubman movie the casting will come down to Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway.

Also when it comes to casting evil terrorists or Somali pirates they make sure to cast proper black and brown actors, but when it's time to cast Prince of Persia they cast Jake Gyllenhaal.

Revenge is the most important meal of the day.


Your basing your race on geography. North Africans are white. Most Arabs are white. Persians/Iranians r white. Some even have red hair.

Saddam Hussein was more pale then me & i'm of European decent.


Most Arabs are white. Persians/Iranians r white.

Yeah, funny how that works. When the Persians are the bad guys like in 300 none of them were white, but when the Persians are the good guys they're white in Prince of Persia.

Basically there's always going to be some justification as to why the good guys/main character(s) are going to need to be played by white actors and when they can't justify it they'll just plop a white character right in the middle of the story (The Last Samurai, The Last King of Scotland, The Forbidden Kingdom, etc).

Also convenient how this doesn't work both ways. Practically an contemporary actor from those parts of the world would most likely never be cast as an average white character. Will Shahab Hosseini be cast as a Scotsman or a new Marvel superhero? Does Shohreh Aghdashloo ever play a white woman? Yeah, no.

But please, keep referring to them as "white". Hell, you might as well refer to the Japanese as white too while you're at it.

Revenge is the most important meal of the day.


Can you imagine if they made a movie about George Washington crossing the Delaware that had obviously fictional and made up parts in it, but made the entire cast black or Asian or latino? There would be SUCH whining from people pointing out Washington wasn't white.

If they set it on a discworld and just took a few names, why not?

People seem to forget that, first, this movie is not even set on Earth, and, second, it is a lot more diverse than the ones crying about racism are making it look like.

Also, where were you when they made Hercules black? Where were you when they made Orpheus black? Where were you when two Mexicans played Kazakh warriors? Where were you when Idris Elba and Tadanobu Asano played Norse gods?

Click here:


Also, where were you when they made Hercules black?

The Rock is light skinned and multi-ethnic enough that he can often pass for white characters just like he did in San Andreas and Snitch where the actors playing his children were white, so yeah, not that big of a disconnect. Same thing with Vin Diesel who plays different ethnicities and Yule Brenner back in the day.

Where were you when they made Orpheus black? Where were you when two Mexicans played Kazakh warriors?

I'm guessing you mean Black Orpheus? That was a Portuguese film. If you start calling them out then we'll be here all day with all the Bollywood remakes.

Not sure what the Kazakh warriors one is.

Where were you when Idris Elba and Tadanobu Asano played Norse gods?

Where have you been? Idris Elba playing Heimdall is The Internet's poster boy for "reverse racism". They never bother bringing Asano up because he's not black.

Besides, bringing Thor into this hurts your argument considerably because those two characters were the only anomalies among otherwise 95% white depictions of the Gods, whereas if Gods of Egypt was closer to 98% white depictions of the Gods save for Thoth.

Let's say Heimdall and Hogun were cast with white actors. That wouldn't have stopped Gods of Egypt's cast from being whitewashed just like these kinds of movies always are. The message is that white actors will always be cast as the Gods no matter what region the film takes place in or version of the Gods are represented if it's an American production save for small supporting roles or a comedy like.

Basically, if you're upset Heimdall and Hogun were not cast with white actors then it's because they're never cast in those roles when it's 100% appropriate so this is the compromise. If whitewashing wasn't still so prevalent we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place.

Revenge is the most important meal of the day.


I'm guessing you mean Black Orpheus?

I am talking about Hallmark's 'Jason and the Argonauts'. I enjoyed it, by the way, but, still, they made Orpheus black.
Not sure what the Kazakh warriors one is.

Sergei Bodrov's 'Nomad'. It was an international production, starring Jason Scott Lee and Marc Dacascos, and Jay Hernandez and Kuno Becker in the leading roles - which looked ridiculous, especially given the fact that Becker's character was distinctly Asian when he was a kid.
Where have you been? Idris Elba playing Heimdall is The Internet's poster boy for "reverse racism". They never bother bringing Asano up because he's not black.

Disney weren't forced to apologize for their casting decisions, though. There wasn't nearly as much outrage as there is with 'Gods of Egypt'.
Gods of Egypt was closer to 98% white depictions of the Gods save for Thoth.

And Hathor. And the hunters. And the Sphinx. And others. Please watch the movie, or, at the very least, look at its cast, before you comment.

Click here:


I am talking about Hallmark's 'Jason and the Argonauts'. I enjoyed it, by the way, but, still, they made Orpheus black.

The 2000 miniseries? Jesus, you had to reach back 16 years for that one? It was a TV production no one even remembers. Brandy Norwood played Cinderella in a crappy 1997 TV movie, but nobody remembers it because it was a crappy 1997 TV movie.

Sergei Bodrov's 'Nomad'. It was an international production, starring Jason Scott Lee and Marc Dacascos, and Jay Hernandez and Kuno Becker in the leading roles

Well this one's 2005 so only 11 years old, but it was a French/Kazakhstan production that didn't even play in American cinemas. Another movie no one remembers.

Disney weren't forced to apologize for their casting decisions, though. There wasn't nearly as much outrage as there is with 'Gods of Egypt'.

That's because A) nobody cares about Heimdall and most people who don't read comics never heard of him before Thor and B) because Hollywood has had a long sordid history of casting whites as Asians, Native Americans, Blacks, and of course Ancient Egyptians.

And given Gods of Egypt is playing up Egyptian mythology they could have literally cast anyone in the God roles, or at the very least cast Bek as someone who could pass as Ancient Egyptian.

And no, Elodie Yung and that one black female hunter who didn't even have lines I think and only appeared in two scenes before being killed or the little girl at the very end isn't enough. It just shows another example of anyone who doesn't look white not being a main character.

But the more I think about it the more I think it's actually a good thing they didn't cast any black or darker skinned actors in the main roles because they would have been blamed for the movie sucking and bombing.

Revenge is the most important meal of the day.


The 2000 miniseries? Jesus, you had to reach back 16 years for that one? It was a TV production no one even remembers. Brandy Norwood played Cinderella in a crappy 1997 TV movie, but nobody remembers it because it was a crappy 1997 TV movie.

Well this one's 2005 so only 11 years old, but it was a French/Kazakhstan production that didn't even play in American cinemas. Another movie no one remembers.

That's because A) nobody cares about Heimdall and most people who don't read comics never heard of him before Thor and B) because Hollywood has had a long sordid history of casting whites as Asians, Native Americans, Blacks, and of course Ancient Egyptians.

And no, Elodie Yung and that one black female hunter who didn't even have lines I think and only appeared in two scenes before being killed or the little girl at the very end isn't enough. It just shows another example of anyone who doesn't look white not being a main character.

And given Gods of Egypt is playing up Egyptian mythology they could have literally cast anyone in the God roles, or at the very least cast Bek as someone who could pass as Ancient Egyptian.


Click here:


What about all the caucasian actors who played Jesus?

Bambi + Lewis Skolnick = Disney's Peter Parker


Gerard Butler played a Greek Spartan, and since Egypt was once a Greek colony i'd say its fair he play an Egyptian. Also, Greeks have been present in Egypt since at least the 7th century BC. So Gerard Butler played a Greek Spartan, Greeks have been in Egypt since the 7th century BC...so it's technically a good choice.


"Gerard Butler played a Greek Spartan, and since Egypt was once a Greek colony i'd say its fair he play an Egyptian. Also, Greeks have been present in Egypt since at least the 7th century BC. So Gerard Butler played a Greek Spartan, Greeks have been in Egypt since the 7th century BC...so it's technically a good choice."

egypt was a macedonian colony in the 4th century bc. sparta famously chickened out of Alexander's wars and instead tried to rebel in his absence, getting pimp smacked by the MACEDONIAN left in charge of greece. so no, you are off by 300 years, which is still off by a few thousand in relation to this movie. you are off by nation as it was macedonians who conquered greece, then persia, egypt...


i dont need to "get over myself' because I ask why the Egyptians are portrayed as white.Who do you think YOU are?If you can't handle a logical question then don't respond,child.


Yes you do need to get over yourself. I have read your other thread and it reeks of racism.

You are arguing about historical accuracy in a movie that isn't even grounded in reality. There is no law saying Egyptians must be portrayed by a certain skin color, ESPECIALLY in a movie that is based very loosely around mythology. There are a lot of different theories and some of them point to Egypt being a melting pot where, yes, even some white skinned individuals were.

Stop making this about race and either enjoy the movie or don't see it.


I agree with you, this is a fantasy movie. It does not matter what colour the characters have.
Though keeping the facts is also important if you are making a movie regardless it's genre.
I don't think this person is a racist he/she just simply giving his/her opinion.


Complaining about race isn't per definition racist. However, casting white people to portray a race of some color on the other hand might be. I mean by your rhetorics, you believe that the criticism against minstrel shows in the early 1900s is racist. I have no problem with the Gods being portrayed as they were (I mean Morgan Freeman played God after all) but it's the depiction of the Egyptian people itself that rubs me the wrong way. They aren't part of the fantasy element anymore than you and I are part of the fantasy element of Christianity, Hinduism or Islam. The Egyptians are not fictional people. Dorothy is.


Notice the movie is called The Wiz and NOT The Wizard of Oz. It's the black version of the famous book, so your comment makes you look quite ignorant. Bigot much?


Where are all the Egyptian directors to cast Egyptians in Egyptian films????




To promote white supremacy.

The people disagreeing with you in this thread are mostly white supremacists.

I wouldn't pay them any attention.

And hardly any of the people disagreeing with you likes black people.


People who speaks about white supremacy for no particular reason are usually hypocrites who have a grudge against white people.


For no reason?

I don't have a problem with whites, I have a problem with "white supremacists" which is what I am seeing in these threads about Gods Of Egypt.

You whites cannot understand why making the main characters of an Egyptian movie all white is mess up?

This is the second movie of the past few years that they have done this.

When it's not affecting YOU, then you disregard other races' complaints but you complain whenever one white based character is changed to black.

If you can't understan what I am saying, then I put in in the same category as these white supremacists who are posting in these threads.


Making the characters of a fantastical movie all white will never be a problem, and by the way Hathor and Toth weren't white.

If we are going with the argument that the egyptian gods should look like the ancient egyptians, then caucasians missrepresent them, but also black actors wouldn't be right, because ancient egyptians weren't black. In their paintings they clearly distinguish themselves from the nubians.

The point is that this is a fantastic movie, not based in history or reality, so the director has carte blanche to represent these characters any way he wants. It's like in Thor, we have black and asian vikings, and we don't care. It's fantasy.

If you are so easily ofended by a fantastic movie, then you have some issues.


Ah, spoken just like a non-black person.

Ramessess III had a haplogroup of e1b1a, most commonly found in African Americans and black Africans.

I also have this haplogroup in my dna as a black person.

Stop portraying people who were black Africans as white people!



Stop dreaming, to have an haplogroup contained in "black people", doesn´t make you "black". It only shows from where your ancestors may have originated, the egyptians lived in Africa, so proving they originated from east Africa is nothing new or surprising, that doesn't make them part of a subsaharian tribe or "race". The ancient egyptians were very diferent from their nubians neighbourghs, they represented them with clearly diferences in skin color and physionomy.

Also they treated them as foreigners and barbarians, so no matter how much you wish it in your dreams, the egyptians weren't "black".

Stop dreaming that people who weren't black africans were like that only because it makes you feel better.

And by the way, the gods of Egypt weren't people, they are fictional beings, so it doesn't matter what race their believers were, you can represent them in whatever form you like.


There has never been a white person with haplogroup e1b1a.

The e1b1a haplogroup is found in black people 99.9 percent of the time.

I am an African American and it's the haplogroup that I have.


When did I say that this haplogroup is found in caucasians?, and no it isn't exclusively of "black" people. It's found in semitic races also.


Stop being argumentative.

The problem with you is that while you acknowledge that it's found in black people, you refuse to ADMIT that most of the time it's found in black people.

It is found 99.9 percent of the time in black Africans.

Meaning that it is occassionally found in asians, latinos and arabs and other groups.

But it is mainly found in black Africans.

It's known mainly as a black African haplogroup.

Whenever it's found outside of the black race, the non-black person usually has some black ancestry in their ancestral line.

Now chill da hell out.


Who's being argumentative?, obviously you, egyptians surely had some black ancestry in their line, but they weren't black, plain and simple. Ok? If you thing that they were black, please take a trip to egypt. If you don't have the money, please buy a book.


They were lightened up by the invasion of Greeks over time.

King Tut's grandmother and it will show you what her skin complexion was, her name was Queen Tiye: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiye


Yeah, sure, like the greeks invaded with enough numbers to mingle and light up a whole population. And the greeks invaded in the 4th century BC, so explain to me, why they represented themselves light colored in the 25th century BC?.

And they weren't white skined, they were light brown and with features totally diferent to subsaharian africans, or nubians.


Is not an Egyptian movie. Is a movie about ancient Egyptian mythology. There is a clear difference.

Also, dismissing differing opinions as being from 'white supremacists' not only makes you wrong, it makes you prejudice.


E1b1a is the haplogroup of Ramses III and black Africans and African Americans most commonly have this haplogroup and it's the haplogroup that's actually found in me.

Stop portraying people who were clearly black Africans in our films.

e1b1a all up ya face sucka.




what now?

Sean Bean has not died from Lightsaber related issues yet...just saying


I remember that, but.................

A Swiss DNA company lied about King Tut having R1B to sell their DNA kits.

Another dna company called DNA Tribes did real testing on King Tut and found that he shared most of his dna with that of black Africans and an extremely small amount with Europeans, meaning was descending from black Africans.

It is impossible for King Tut have had R1B, which is found in many European men.






I was asking an honest question.

Not going to argue but rather what it looks like.

on your first link Dr. Albert Zink seems to be a little bit butthurt for no one consulting him.
however, it's fair to say that DNA tribes stated "DNA Tribes autosomal STR DNA article shows that King Tut's DNA matches closely to Central Africans, although not exclusively"

also, randomly
and many others I won't bother you with.

my opinion on the whole subject is Ancient Egyptians weren't Black, at least not the nubian black, but not White either. probably close to Mediterranean people or at most something along the colour pallet of Cape Verde (a mix if you will). I justify my opinion solely on statues and the Table of Nations present in some tombs including Ramses's.
In those tables the Egyptians clearly depict themselves as darker than the Lybians and Asians but lighter than the Nubians, and then there's the nose issue. too thin to be "black" on the paintings but on the Tut's mask too wide to be caucasian.

some had wooly hair as described by some ancient greeks but now we know at least Ramses 2nd had red hair and fair skin. to me all this cries "melting pot of the ancient world".

let's not forget we are talking about a civilization thousands of years old which always had contact with a large variety of eccentricities around the Mediterranean sea.
They were probably the colour the modern day Egyptians are.

and let's be honest, they paint themselves as red skinned rather than black or white.

<pre>Sean Bean has not died from Lightsaber related issues yet...just saying</Pre>


The ancient Egyptians wore wigs, why? Because their hair was just like that of a black African.

As far as reddish skin, the Egyptians' wall paintings also depicted them as brown and dark skinned and you do have black people alive today with a reddish/brown hue to their skin.

If King Tut was white, then how is it that his grandmother queen Tiye was a dark skinned black woman?

Queen Tiye:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiye

Video of Queen Tiye's portrait head:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j55j1NZoAKk

They've dna tested other mummies and found they were related to Ugandans: http://www.monitor.co.ug/artsculture/Reviews/Ancient-Egyptian-Pharaohs-related-to-Ugandans---DNA/-/691232/2419938/-/cjldv9/-/index.html

And check out the wooden torso of King Tut and he clearly looks like a man of color:http://yuledark.co.za/last-chance-tutankhamun-exhibition-must-close-12-april/

Ramses III and his sons had a haplogroup of E1B1A that is found 99.9 percent in black African men: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramesses_III

And it's the same haplogroup that I have as well and I'm a black man.

Since a paternal haplogroup is passed from father to son, Ramses III's father and grandfather ect. had it too.


If King Tut was white, then how is it that his grandmother queen Tiye was a dark skinned black woman?

I had a teacher with fair skin, green eyes and blond hair whose grandmother had a pitch black complexion. so?

If King Tut was white

I didn't say he was white (caucasian) I said in my opinion ancient Egyptians were probably a mixed colour since they painted themselves lighter than nubians and darker than lybians in the nations table present in numerous tombs.

here is an example of table of nations from the Tombs

Video of Queen Tiye's portrait head

so? here's queen Nefertiti. this head is not your traditional black woman look at her lips, nose and skin color. (nor a caucasian one btw)

Ramses III and his sons had a haplogroup of E1B1A that is found 99.9 percent in black African men:

DNA Tribes analyses are not consensual. and they even stated themselves " These regional matches do not necessarily indicate an exclusively African ancestry for the Amarna pharaonic family"

Most importantly, it takes JAMA data that was admitted to be falsified by Albert Zink:
"Zink has stated that the tests did not get the same results each time they were run and the results reported in the JAMA paper are those the team adjudged "most likely" based on "majority rule" (Curse of the Pharaoh's DNA AWT Conference Review, Marchant; 2011)

Since a paternal haplogroup is passed from father to son, Ramses III's father and grandfather ect. had it too.

then how would Ramses II would have fair skin and red hair? this is also a fact.
“After having achieved this immense work, an important scientific conclusion remains to be drawn: the anthropological study and the microscopic analysis of hair, carried out by four laboratories: Judiciary Medecine (Professor Ceccaldi), Société L’Oréal, Atomic Energy Commission, and Institut Textile de France showed that Rameses II was a ‘leucoderm’, that is a fair-skinned man, near to the Prehistoric and Antiquity Mediterranean’s, or briefly, of the Berber of Africa.”

this is closer to a big mix of 2 or even 4 races than only black or only white.

And it's the same haplogroup that I have as well and I'm a black man.

so because you are black and have the same haplogroup that means they were 100% black.
I'm not black but I bet I have many alleles in common with you since I'm from a Mediterranean country with a history in slave trade from Africa.

furthermore, Tut died from an illness present In Saudi Arabia (4.2% of the population carry the sickle-cell trait). does this mean he was saudi arabian? No.

What I find curious is why the need to push this 100% black ancient Egyptians theory?
even going against people who are saying they definitely weren't white to begin with.

Sean Bean has not died from Lightsaber related issues yet...just saying


As far as Queen Tiye, she was black, many jet black people in Africa with no white blood have features that may not be considered typical African features. She is clearly dark in the head portrait.

On the wall paintings in Egypt, Ramses II had brown/red skin. Here are some black African people with a brownish/reddish hue to their skin: https://www.belize.com/history-of-the-garifuna-people

I will never trust any white scientists who say that Ramses II had fair skin, the man had reddish/brown skin as seen on the walls of Egypt.

As far as the red hair is concerned, there are black people in Africa with red hair.

Saying all that.....

Ok, how do I think Ramses II looked? He looked exactly like he did on the wall paintings, a reddish/brownish man with a ton of African blood with red tint in his hair but still a black man.

Ancient Egypt to me was a place where brown, dark and reddish/brownish people existed who were black Africans.

The wall paintings confirm this as you see black, brown and reddish/brownish people in the wall paintings.


It's clear you didn't even look at the links properly that I sent you....

Look at the actual results from DNA Tribes concerning King Tut, they give you numbers as far as what people he shared DNA with. He shared most of his dna with black Africans.

It's a chart that shows their findings, it's in the link and the video I sent you.

"so because you are black and have the same haplogroup that means they were 100% black"

Some of them could have been 95 percent black, or 85 percent black in terms of their ancestry but they were still black, while some were 100 percent black.

I am 83 percent black, 15 percent European and 1 percent Asian/Native American and I am brown skinned, I am still a black person who has e1b1a.

99.9 percent of all men in the entire world with e1b1a are black, don't try to change the numbers to match your agenda and it was the same during ancient times.

Most of the men who have e1b1a live in Africa and the Americas and are black 99.9 percent of the time, sure you have some who are mixed or non-black but most are almost always black.

Having e1b1a means that you are 99.9 to be a black person, sure there are people who are not black with this haplogroup but it's very rare.

You know what that means is that anyone who has e1b1a or its subgroups had a black man as their first male ancestor on the paternal line.

The original ancient men who had e1b1a were black about 99.9 percent of the time.

Let's say for argument that Ramses II was not 100 percent black, it's clear by the paintings that he was mostly black African but he was still a black person. Ramses II probably had as much African blood as I did and I am 83 percent black.

As far as I know, there has never been a comprehensive ancestral study done on Ramses II that shows his percentages as far as his ethnicity. I still contend that he had mostly black African blood in his veins and had auburn hair.


King Tut had a very tiny amount of European ancestry in his veins according to the report from DNA Tribes.

From what I saw, I probably have more European ancestry than King Tut did and I am still a black person and I look black, although I am brown skinned.

Look at the links that I sent you properly concerning the results from DNA Tribes and the video concerning King Tut.

So remember what I say about Ramses II, whether he was 80 percent black, 75 percent black or 97 percent black, he was still a man who was black with mostly black African blood in his veings.

Ramses II was more than likely an Afro-Asian who was still a black man due to having dominant black blood in his veins.

The dominant haplogroups of ancient Egypt was e1b1b, different than e1b1a but e1b1b is still found mostly in black African men.

There are dark skinned pictures of Egyptians that are on the walls as well.

Could a small percentage of ancient Egyptians been mixed? Sure.

But I believe that most of the ancient Egyptians were not mixed and were black Africans that came in brown, dark and reddish skin colors.

The Greeks' descriptions of the ancient Egyptians was that they have a burnt complexion and nappy hair, according to Herodotus.


I'm using this last post of yours to reply:

On the wall paintings in Egypt, Ramses II had brown/red skin. Here are some black African people with a brownish/reddish hue to their skin: https://www.belize.com/history-of-the-garifuna-people

sorry, I don't see that reddish hue on them. again from the paintings alone one could say they were native americans like. Probably as a melting pot they would be close to the hue of Cape Verde people - mix of black and white with both features.

I will never trust any white scientists

1 - that's racist
2 - that's dumb
3 - what kind of argument is that?
4 - only makes you look bad

Ok, how do I think Ramses II looked? He looked exactly like he did on the wall paintings, a reddish/brownish man with a ton of African blood with red tint in his hair but still a black man.

because white scientist say otherwise. well see above. also, it's funny how paintings on the wall are ok when there aren't representeing other color pallets like in the Table of Nations paintings available in numerous tombs. again, in these paintings they clearly paint themselves lighter than blacks (because they represent the nubians) and darker than the closer whites (Lybians/asians). also Ramses II was a leucoderm= fair skin

Look at the actual results from DNA Tribes concerning King Tut

I've already address this with DNA tribes very own statements:
«These regional matches do not necessarily indicate an exclusively African ancestry for the Amarna pharaonic family»
«Zink has stated that the tests did not get the same results each time they were run and the results reported in the JAMA paper are those the team adjudged "most likely" based on "majority rule" (Curse of the Pharaoh's DNA AWT Conference Review, Marchant; 2011)»
but then again you only consider statements from white scientists that support black power or whatever.
I am 83 percent black, 15 percent European and 1 percent Asian/Native American and I am brown skinned, I am still a black person who has e1b1a.

no one said you weren't. also, the issue here is skin color/apearence...the phenotype and not the genotype. the way you identify yourself with percentages is just weird to me and most Europeans.
your agenda

my agenda?! I have an agenda? what is it, I'd like to know. that sounds like paranoia. not everyone is out to get you or has an agenda to harm you.
it's clear by the paintings that he was mostly black African but he was still a black person. Ramses II probably had as much African blood as I did and I am 83 percent black.

its clear from the paintings he was lighter than Nubians and darker than Lybians. mostly black?! c'mon... since my 1st post - they seem to depict themselves as a mix a creole-like hue. you want to call it 100% black. good for you.

I am still a black person and I look black, although I am brown skinned.

you kinda lost me here: you are black, look black but you are brown?! I've talking about nubian black (almost bluish sometimes) creole (mix), mediterranean (Tan) and Lybian/asian whitish.

Afro-Asian who was still a black man due to having dominant black blood in his veins.

again I am talking phenotypes and you insist in genotype percentages. afro-asian is now black or so you would have it so. you really want the guy to be black even if in reality he was tan.
There are dark skinned pictures of Egyptians that are on the walls as well.

there is 1 (one) image in 1 (one) pilar in 1 tomb representing Egyptians as black. but forget all the others, that one surely is the one which is more accurate, right? . ofc there were some (more than a few). Egypt traded with everyone around them in every direction.
Could a small percentage of ancient Egyptians been mixed

a small?!
oh you claim every colour pallet as black except bleach white and sunny yellow. I get it now.

as for herodus I already addressed this already on my other post. and again most if not many creole will have wooly hair.

it seems your always come back to the same point - You are black !but apparently you are also brown...and red...and 1% asian (yellow?).

PS - I'm serious about this agenda subject. please tell me what my agenda is, and as we are at it, am I black since I'm Portuguese?

Sean Bean has not died from Lightsaber related issues yet...just saying


I know this is Pinterest and not a scientific website but scroll down and you will see a wall painting of Ramses II and he looks brown/red: https://www.pinterest.com/xjackofhearts/ramses-ii/

Here is another wall painting of Ramesses II in battle and again his skin looks brown/red:

Did not white scientists and geneticists at IGNEA lie about King Tut being related to half of European men and I'm expected to believe them?

"Carsten Pusch, a geneticist at Germany’s University of Tubingen who was part of the team that unraveled Tut’s DNA from samples taken from his mummy and mummies of his family members, said that iGENEA’s claims are “simply impossible.”

IGNEA is the Swiss company I had mentioned earlier who created the lie that King Tut shared DNA with half of European men and stated that King Tut had R1B.

DNA Tribes stated that King Tut shared dna mostly with southern black Africans.

Some white scientists will tell the truth about history who I give props to, while others lie blatantly.

I cannot verify if Ramesses II had red hair or not but in my earlier posts, it's obvious that I am assuming that he had red hair and that there are black Africans with dark skin who have red hair and blonde hair.


what's your point? that they weren't caucasian? that's a fact. they weren't. the point is they weren't black either. see, any Table of nations from ancient egypt. you black, white egyptian (tan/redish) and asian. they are clearly different.

Here is another wall painting of Ramesses II in battle and again his skin looks brown/red:

brown/red is not black. I'm getting tired of stressing this. Ancient Egyptians clearly depict themselves differently than Blacks and Whites. that's the whole point. they weren't black like the nubians.

DNA Tribes(who you don't believe) stated that King Tut shared dna mostly with southern black Africans.

DNA tribes stated themselves the DNA they used from the JAMA study wasn't from the pharaonic family. if you believe them in one case, you believe them in the second case. not just when their findings suits your wishes.

Some white scientists will tell the truth about history, while others lie so I have the right with good reason as a black male not to trust the scientists who say that Ramesses II had fair skin.

because the scientist's skin colour determines if he is telling the truth or if he is good at his job. dude that's racist and makes you look bad. really. comments like that are just sad. I don't know the scientists who were involved in the determination of Ramses II as red hair and fair skin. why would it really matter?
and what "good reason" do you have as a black man?
tell me what benefits would come from lying about this.

I am assuming that he had red hair and that there are black Africans with dark skin who have red hair and blonde hair.

so in the same study you are ready to assume the colour of the hair but not the skin...
they determined he was a leucoderm that means fair skin as well as red hair.

Sean Bean has not died from Lightsaber related issues yet...just saying


Oh yes they were black, the word Egypt which comes from the ancient greeks itself means black (it was not referring to the black soil either) and I trust and believe what Herodotus said about the complexion of the ancient Egyptians.

The word "Kemet" which is what Egypt used to be called means "the black land".

I'm not going to let you use the whole "Egyptians depicted themselves differently than other Africans garbage.

White scientists will lie because they want to maintain white supremacy.

I showed you some pictures in my earlier posts that show black African people with red skin and yet you say that black people can't have red skin.

Those Egyptians living in Egypt today definitely weren't the original inhabitants of ancient Egypt.

And it's not only red skin on the walls of Egypt, you also see dark brown skin as well but you going to say that they weren't black too, right.

Blacks come in different shades, some are RED, some of jet black, some are brown ect.

Have you ever thought that maybe the Egyptians and Nubians were both black but of different hues???

And do you know who the ancient ancestor of the Egyptians are?

His name was Mizraim and he was the son of Ham, who was the black son of Noah.

Here is a picture of dark brown Egyptians: https://abagond.wordpress.com/2009/12/21/how-black-was-ancient-egypt/

And if you scroll down a little bit on this page, there is a dark skinned woman who has a red hue to her skin: https://www.pinterest.com/alldiversity/skin-deep/

Here is another dark skinned woman with a red hue to her skin: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/365002744777201731/

You don't want to admit it but black people come in different skin shades other than brown and black.


For one thing, the ancient Egyptians wore wigs with a texture similar to that of a black person's hair.

Here is a link that shows "extensions" connected to the skull of the mummy of an ancient Egyptian princess:https://mathildasanthropologyblog.wordpress.com/2008/08/23/ancient-egyptian-hair-and-wigs/

If you look at some of the wall paintings, it's clear that some of the Egyptians had on wigs or had their hair in braids.

Scroll down and you will see a curly haired mummy, which is undeniably a black person's hair: http://solarey.net/nubian-hairdress-to-inspire/

More ancient Egyptians with braided hair: https://mathildasanthropologyblog.wordpress.com/2008/07/21/mummies-and-mummy-hair-from-ancient-egypt/

Another ancient Egyptian woman found with hair extensions, not a NUBIAN: http://www.livescience.com/47875-ancient-egyptian-woman-with-hair-extensions.html

What race of people use hair extensions, dude?


Scroll down on the page past the nonsense posts and you will see extremely dark skinned Egyptians on the wall paintings and black statues with afros on them. Some of the wall paintings depict the Egyptians as having very dark skin with afros, there is a wall painting which shows that the Egyptians did see themselves as dark skinned Africans because that is what they were, some of the Pharoahs of Egypt were Ethiopian as well, so you can go ahead and keep denying it you blind imbecile: https://www.quora.com/Is-the-claim-that-the-ancient-Egyptians-were-black-had-dark-skin-supported-by-history-If-not-what-race-were-they-and-how-do-we-know


t was not referring to the black soil either

yes it were. easily understood because they used similar naming to people from the red soils.

White scientists will lie because they want to maintain white supremacy.

now think about what you have written. be honest with yourself. white supremacy is maintained by lying about a race of people from 3k years ago?! how? why?

I showed you some pictures in my earlier posts that show black African people with red skin and yet you say that black people can't have red skin.

1- they were black
2- even if they were red (which they don't seem to be) they are from a different location. but I guess that's not an issue to you.
Blacks come in different shades, some are RED, some of jet black, some are brown ect

yes, we have established you claim all hues except white as black. It seems you are one with a weird agenda

His name was Mizraim and he was the son of Ham, who was the black son of Noah.

dude....seriously? that was before or after noah refused all the dinosaurs from entering the arch? now I'm almost sure this debate isn't going anywhere.

If you look at some of the wall paintings, it's clear that some of the Egyptians had on wigs or had their hair in braids.

yes they commonly shaved their heads and wore wigs. more hygienic. your point?
What race of people use hair extensions, dude?

?! seriously? hair extensions - now a race thing.
all races do it and did it.

because that is what they were

and everyone who sais differently is clearly a white supremacist. right?

it you blind imbecile

and now you insult people.
good for you.
you are a racist. plain and simple. we are done, I don't relate to racist people at all.

Sean Bean has not died from Lightsaber related issues yet...just saying


You know what is so funny, I actually read some of the posts on Stormfront about the ancient Egyptians and when confronted with the black head portrait of Queen Tiye, they made the same excuses and lies that you made and even said that the Egyptians were mixed and not black.

Just admit it, you're a white supremacist.


Seriously IceWave2000,
I will repeat myself once again:

you are a racist, I don't relate with racist people.

yes, we have all understood that anything a scientist sais or finds out is only true if:
a) he or she is black (but only 100% black whatever it is that means)
b) is not black but agrees with what you want to hear.

...and, how can I be a white supremacist if I'm Portuguese, that means I have Celtic, Lusitanian, Roman, Moore,and yes African blood in my/our gene pool - I don't know the percentages nor do I care, it's part of me all the same.

also I'm not sure if you don't understand why would ancients Egyptians be a mixed race or if you are just throwing a tantrum because some people say they weren't black.

seriously Noah references?! (you didn't answer me on that one) ...the dark ages called...apparently they want their mind set back.

I pity you. you are no better than the white supremacists you think are lurking in the dark or out to get you.

<pre>Sean Bean has not died from Lightsaber related issues yet...just saying</Pre>


You know what is so funny, I actually read some of the posts on Stormfront about the ancient Egyptians and when confronted with the black head portrait of Queen Tiye, they made the same excuses and lies that you made and even said that the Egyptians were mixed and not black.

They were shown all the black pictures and black statues and they still made the same excuses you made.

A black guy even posted some ancient black figurines of the Egyptian army and those white supremacists still didn't want to admit the truth.

I would post those pictures but it would be a waste of my time dealing with someone like you.

Just admit it already, you're a white supremacist.lol



Because of the greeks and later on the romans obviously.

Alexander the great conquered egypt and left his family to rule it for many years.Some of them you might even know yourself,like Cleopatra.

Anyway having lots of semetic dna they're quite white under the skin.The sun just tries to mask it :)


I was about to say this. Sorta..

When I went down there I got all the stories told and supposedly ONE pharaoh became popular with the people cos he was the only one that took the time to learn the language of the people. lol All Greeks and Romans ruling.

But lets ignore history so we can complain about how we are unfairly treated now.

And actually. Considering the ties between the Greek and Danish royal families I wouldn't see it 100% wildly inaccurate having Coster-Waldau (Danish) in the film. lol


Probably Greek, since so many Egyptians have Macedonian blood and European features. That's what made them stand out from other Arab civilizations, but then again, the European features we have today are actually passed down from ancient Arabs.

-Join us-



...Uhhh no. Very much no.

Egyptians have been around for more than 4,000 years and built a thriving civilization alongside Greece and Persia. The Arab nations were divided into small tribes that wouldn't stand a chance.

By the time Arabs became prominent, Egypt annexed by the Ayubid, later known as the Mamelukes and it was they who defended the middle east for nearly 1,000 years becoming what is known as the Golden Age of Islam that turned the world into a better place really.

Wiki it? Sounds like you didn't even do that based on the crud I just tried to read. Geez, you really don't know anything.

In any case, more Brown if you mean by color, but racially, Egyptians are like Persians and Lebanese. They don't belong to a group, so they're called Indo-European. Because Egyptians trace their roots back to Europe much stronger than they do to any other region.

Be thankful I live in America? Dude, don't act like you know. I'm from New Zealand, moron.

-Join us-


Really try to learn something about history before posting, you don't need all the facts, only a shallow idea about it.

First of all egyptians have been around for more of 6,000 years, and built a great civilization thousands of years before Persia and Greece, and of course Arabs.

Egypt wasn't conquered by the Ayubids, it was conquered by the Rashidun Army (that is in the time of the first four caliphs), 500 years before the Ayubids. And the Ayubids weren't the same that the Mamelukes.

The Ayubids, combined with the Mamelukes, were in power less than 350 years, so from where you got your thousand years defending the middle east?, by the way Egypt isn't part of the Middle East, it refers to Palestine, Syria and Mesopotamia.

And the Golden Age of Islam ended around the 11th century, 150 years before the Ayubids.

The ancient egyptians weren't like persians or lebanese, maybe the modern egyptians are, but not the ancient. It is mostly accepted by archeologist and historians that they were light brown, especially the ruling class, but this is still debated. What is clear is that they had a very particular physionomy, not found anywhere else.


"most slaves were jewes btw who built the pyramid." Actually no; this claim has been proven false for sometime now.

"muslims had 120 000 000 black slaves killed through their history," Yet another false claim, which is really a grossly exaggerated estimate by an anti-Muslim website. I dare you to prove ;)

I won't bother with the rest the lies and nonsense in your post, as you suggested, look it up.


How many modern egyptians have macedonian blood?, the macedonians ruled Egypt for 300 years only, and they were a ruling class, very few in number and didn't cross breed with the local population. In any case they were asimilated by the native egyptians.

And since when ancient Arabs had European features?, the Arabs are semitic and the European are mostly caucasians.


is this a documentary???

it s a fictional story about fictional character, they even get the mythology wrong.

go to china and ask the chinese movies directors to put more blacks and whites in their movies, see what they say.

like it or not america is a white country 10% are black only, if u went to africa all actors would be black and guess what, no white african would ever complain.

as i ve said, black americans are the most racist, self entitles people in the world.

stealing music tracks from white people then remixing them and talking on them, then calling it "rap" and hip hop lol. fakes.


stealing white music hahahahahahahahaha elvis presley, every white rnb singer, eminem, macklemore, iggy izalea imitating a black southern voice even though shes from australia, our dress our culture, white wanting to say the n word cos its "cool" blacks stealing from whites? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..............
