Looks like crap

Better because it doesn't have Neil Patrick Harris or Jason Lee or whichever one, but still awful because of the writing.

Today is the day to say I love you to your best friend - chinese proverb


It could have had an interesting and whimsical little story... had it been written by the same crew who did the original series.

Now, it's cluttered with pop culture and memes along with the most commonly regurgitated comedy clichés.


Agreed. I saw this on the upcoming calendar the past year, noticed it was going for a change of pace, and childishly assumed it would turn out to be a real low-key animated fantasy film of the Smurfs. The most bizarre part is that the removal of the live-action element is obviously the result of someone listening to the response to the two previous films... but the live-action element itself was nothing compared to the bewilderingly terrible writing and structure and talent behind the camera. Didn't they notice all the complaints about this?

Today is the day to say I love you to your best friend - chinese proverb


Well, the 1950s-60s Belgian comics were funny...and the 1980s cartoon had among others none toher than June Foray, from the classic Rocky cartoons..it's about time Smurfs got super funny. Would hate to think if they do the Care Bears though they might ,make even more un-BEAR-able CU(B)te than the 80s cartoons (though they weren't based on a 1950s-60s prtoperty)


It's kinda similar with the new Trolls movie.
