The swearing...

Did anyone else get irritated that almost every character seemed to swear at the end of of nearly every single *beep* sentence? Because I found it really grating... It's almost like they were doing it just for the sake of doing it. Like "Ooh look, we're edgy because all our characters are really foul-mouthed"

Personally I thought it detracted from the great story... Plus there might have been one or two characters who swear a lot circa Debra Morgan from Dexter but the entire cast?

There are no spoilers here, go away.


Studies have repeatedly shown that people who swear have higher cognitive skills. Maybe you should start?

The spirit of abysmal despair


the swearing in this series was forced, like it was written by middle class people trying to be edgy. It was awful.

i have a ten minute posting quota because I called the imdb staff scumbags
