The swearing...

Did anyone else get irritated that almost every character seemed to swear at the end of of nearly every single *beep* sentence? Because I found it really grating... It's almost like they were doing it just for the sake of doing it. Like "Ooh look, we're edgy because all our characters are really foul-mouthed"

Personally I thought it detracted from the great story... Plus there might have been one or two characters who swear a lot circa Debra Morgan from Dexter but the entire cast?

There are no spoilers here, go away.


OP should grow some balls. Swearing is part of life, if the program had no swearing it would be as pitifully unrealistic as an episode of Eastenders.

Satan is in deep $h1t!


^Another person who can't comprehend what the thread is actually about

i'm 15 and i know sharks don't growl,


Unnecessary swearing in a TV show? No?

Satan is in deep $h1t!


Technically no

i'm 15 and i know sharks don't growl,


it really is true though - everyday people swear ALL the time. not because they are trying to be offensive, or are angry, or are trying the emphasise a point. it's just become part of the language. wherever i go in the uk, you'll hear people in the pub having conversations like ...

"where the *beep* is steve?"
*beep* knows. he said he'd be here a *beep* hour a *beep* go"
*beep* sake. shall i get him a *beep* pint in d'you think? *beep* does he drink?"
*beep* carling, i *beep* think"

that really isn't an exaggeration. men, women, posh, dossers. some people don't swear a lot, other people swear all the time. the characters in utopia swear all the time. that's how it is.


To be honest I barely notice the cursing, that's how people talk everyday where I live.

Esta es mi firma


I didn't even notice it, so it can't be that bad.

Are you American? I only ask because Americans seem more bothered by swearing.


OP needs to watch something else. The only episode where the swearing seemed a bit forced was in the episode 2 but I think that was down to the Ginger girl trying to sound posh when she obviously isn't


I haven't noticed it at all.


Its not like everyone swears... only certain characters consistently swear... mainly Becky.

It sometimes helps to fxckin emphasize the point ;)

I am one who enjoys swearing... it is liberating and I dont give a fxck or a *beep*


Everyone does swear pretty much

There's a scene with two barristers in the concourse of the courts or whatever and even they had to swear, there was no need and it sounded pathetic

This show sounds like it was written by middle class students trying to be edgy

i'm 15 and i know sharks don't growl,


What swearing? Nothing above the ordinary afaic



i have a ten minute posting quota because I called the imdb staff scumbags
