who will replace Boyle?

-Nolan (unlikely but imagine if they landed him..then again Skyfall & Spectre were Nolan films in everything but name)
-Villeneuve (doing Dune?)
-Mendes (after Spectre don't think neither he or the producers would be interested)
-Vaughn (would he step in Xmen 3 style though? hes already done 007 in the form of KM,XM, Layer Cake)
-Ritchie (did UNCLE, but then again King Arthur wasn't too good)
-Spielberg (no way esp as he doing Indy 5 next but be funny if he ditched Indy to finally direct Bond)
-Fincher (1st R rated Bond?)
-Greengrass (might've well go full Bourne)
-Brad Bird (well MI4 is considered best no?)
-McQuarrie (imagine Craig would be somewhat ..apprehensive at him being hired lol)
-Jackson (whats he up to after all the Hobbits?)
-Scott (he was attached to The Batman before Reeves. maybe hed be up for Bond on a whim?)
-Campbell? (maybe he should be brought back to end the Craig era?)


If they want to stick to their schedule with the script they have, i'd bring back Mendes. He knows the ropes real good. I'm no big fan of his work on the franchise, but it would at least make for a solid trilogy. If they're bringing in a new director with a new vision, I think the whole thing could fall apart and we'd probably even lose Craig over it.


short list is up


Not familiar with those guys. But Bond has always done good by directors. They're not going to hire a turkey.
