So...Ghost Protocol or Rogue Nation??

There's no wrong answer, I'm just curious to see what other people think. I loved both films, but I was blown away by GP (had no real expectations going in), while I did have high expectations for RN (and it surpassed them for a while...but I ultimately felt it didn't live up to them, though I enjoyed the film very much).
So while loving both films, and reserving the right to change my vote upon rewatch, I have to go with Ghost Protocol.


I thought Rogue Nation was vastly superior.

Last seen: M:I Rogue Nation (9/10)


ghost protocol is a bit better and had better closure and ending but this one has lots of intrigue as well. "its not your job to protect her, its mine"



RN for me because of the ending (spoilers ahead)...I loved the way they threw the box onto the truck, so reminded me of the tv series. Matter of fact, job done good ol fashioned blue collar impossible mission craft.


Saw Rogue Nation last night, and loved it. Haven't seen GP for a few years, but I remember it being really fun.


I'm going with Ghost Protocol, though Rogue Nation felt similar.


Overall, I liked Ghost Protocol better. Of course, I've seen that movie multiple times. I've only seen Rogue Nation once. Rogue Nation felt about 25 to 30 minutes too long in my opinion. It felt more like a slow burn action flick. It took a while to get into the really good stuff. In the end, it was definitely worth the wait, and I thought it was the best film I've seen all summer (and I've seen several). I thought both movies were great, but Ghost Protocol started with a bang and ended with a boom. It never slowed down. While Rogue Nation never slowed down either, it took a little to long to get going. None of this is set in stone, however. I'd need a second or third viewing of Rogue Nation to ultimately decide which is better.


Rogue Nation


I would say Rogue Nation.

Shiloh isn't haunted – men are haunted. Shiloh doesn't care.


Ghost Protocol all the way. This one was kinda lame.

Wut my name is....
