MovieChat Forums > Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015) Discussion > As usual, ridiculous Mary Sue overpoweri...

As usual, ridiculous Mary Sue overpowering of female character

The jumping-on-the-head-of-guys move that she does looks as ridiculous as bad Hong Kong wire-fu.

And as soon as she started fighting the knife guy at the end, I groaned, because I knew what was coming: the Mary Sue moment where a skinny girl takes out a trained male fighter with greater muscle mass. Utterly ludicrous.

In real life, a trained male fighter would have destroyed her easily, no matter how much training she's had. Male strength advantage not only makes men vastly more powerful, but quicker too (something films try to wish away).


*Insecure macho bro detected*

Nothing to say about the invincible Ethan Hunt?

If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


Excuse me, but I thought the name of the female lead character was named Ilsa Faust, not Mary Sue. Who in the hell is Mary Sue and why are all of you having such hissy fits about her?


Having done martial arts before really gives you a different perspective on these fights. People just don't understand. That guy would have snapped her in two and swiftly ended her life. A woman is fragile. He'd quickly disarm her, and I have to believe he had more training than her with one. Next goes the arm or she will get cold-cocked to the face, the end.

Many of the fights were just ludicrously contrived.



OhmyGod........this useless,stupid debate probably will never cease....
Mary Sue....why such topic has created?

She's beautiful ,cool and elegant fighting,it all pretty.....i don't know,i don't care;3 stupid mercenary against it or tough guy,am ready to look at what it will kill them all.She will break necks or stab them,I don't care,in the movie it look cool
For those who want realism there are special shows ufc....although a bad example...want realism - look like a drunken fight outside the bar,a variety of styles - from a young Steven Seagal to Michael Dudikoff

pc.Ilsa-now top 3 female badass,killer thighs forever,marvel bitches - boooooooooooooooring

finish disputes,the theme of mi6 is still fresh,pass over there



Having done martial arts before really gives you a different perspective on these fights. People just don't understand. That guy would have snapped her in two and swiftly ended her life. A woman is fragile. He'd quickly disarm her, and I have to believe he had more training than her with one. Next goes the arm or she will get cold-cocked to the face, the end.
I doubt your martial arts skills have anything to do with how and what skills Vinter had, no offense. But one thing is certain, he hasn't practice any martial arts, that's for sure. Ilsa on the other hand, she's most likely familiar with the concept.

It's particularly clear in the final scene, after Benji has been released, when he begins the hunt for Ethan and Ilsa. The guy can't even run, much less perform a martial arts act. He's a torturer, not a Kung Fu fighter.


But Ethan Hunt swimming underwater for ten minutes in a massive computer core, then surviving a 110mph wipeout on a bike is okay?

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.


Well, he's Tom Cruise and he can do whatever he wants.

Laugh while you can, Monkey Boy!


It's not about realism. People get that movies are movies.

They are just getting tired of the feminist propaganda being shoved down their throats at every second.


Some scenes such as the one you mention comes down to ridiculous, but hey, it's a movie, dude.!


This is akin to the CSI effect is it not? People tend to believe what they see on a screen especially if they see it often enough. From what I have read, people tend to expect evidence in a court case to be as clean and precise as it is presented in the CSI shows.

Most CSI departments are underfunded and over-worked, with poor equipment, poorly trained personnel due to high turnover, and poor morale.

If in real life you are a guy and you get into a fight with a woman and you hit her as hard as you can in the face, good luck at not having the book thrown at you by a judge and/or getting beat up by the cops.



Another beta cuck getting triggered by "empowerment" LOL


Imagine having such a fragile ego that a woman fighting a man in a ridiculous action film offends you....
