Bad movie is bad.

I saw this movie and thought it was bad with hipsters and unrealistic. don't see it.



Ok. So I see that your automatic response to anyone that you disagree with is " an idiot"

You've already called me that on a different board and never responded to me when I asked you why you think I'm an idiot, to which you never replied.

So now I'm beginning to see the bigger picture with you... I kind of felt bad that somebody called me an idiot and I didn't know why, but now I don't feel bad anymore because it seems your only vocabulary consists of calling people idiots unfoundedly.

You need to be nicer to people, killswitch. Try to say something positive for a change. Nobody is going to ever take your opinion seriously unless you lighten up and show a shred of humanity every so often.

An Idiot


Sorry , that person was right to call the OP an idiot , he had nothing to say on why he hated the film other than it was 'hipster' .. If you don't like it fine share your opinion on this board but don't just say I hate it and slag people off who do like it


i liked it, but felt something was lacking, like it was trying too hard to be a tear jerker

I hope you have an army of raisins cause I've got a major scoop!



I just watched the first 35 to 40 minutes and turned it off. I wouldn’t call it “bad,” especially since I didn’t finish it, but the acting and dialogue between almost everyone felt unnatural and scripted from the get go. When every actor has a witting/quirky thing to say to each other without any natural pause in between, it pulls me right out of the story and gives the film the feel of a sitcom.

The cinematography seemed to match the acting in its sense of realism. Every image I saw magically occurred during dawn or dusk. Inside and outside, a low-contrast, permanent sun kissed glow made its way to the actor’s faces, giving it a fresh out of film school feel. I’m sure things changed when the movie hit it climactic peak though.

I wanted to like this, actually (despite my whiny comments). Maybe the reviews and recommendations I read set the bar too high.


Is it actually a bad movie or is it just not your cup of tea?
There is a correct answer to that question...


I disagree, zombies98. I thought it was an excellent film.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.



so many movies, so little time


The only thing "bad" is your perspective. Nothing wrong with the film, the problem lies with in you. Fact :-)
