MovieChat Forums > Blue Jasmine (2013) Discussion > Poll: did you hate Jasmine or feel sorry...

Poll: did you hate Jasmine or feel sorry for her?

Quick poll, to see how many here either sympathised with Jasmine or totally hated her guts. No bashing or long winded explanations, just your gut feel after watching the movie.

Personally, I felt sorry for Jasmine.


I felt very sorry for her.


It was not feeling sorry, really. I felt pity. Did not hate her at all.


...I don't feel sorry for her or pity; I think that degrades and disempowers her even more, but I do have genuine empathy, understanding and love for her, cause I can feel the depth of her pain, sorrow and loss of Self she isn't even aware of yet, cause she's still in denial; it's just the first very understandable stage of coping with severe trauma/loss. And that she is: a very traumatized person -not 'flawed' at all. I mean not anymore or less than the rest of us. I wished that man she met really cared for her and got through to her instead of reacting with big Ego fear and judgement. But then, who on earth would trust a recently widowed man you just met and asks you for crying out loud to marry him? Pain meets pain. Not love. Very, very good acting.



Thanks Rubymar :-) I can resonate with your posts too; simpatico 2u2!



Great post.

Brad...Whatcha gonna do? What are you gonna do?


i felt that she never really loved him (and neither did he love her), though she probably convinced herself that she loved him because that was convenient and otherwise she'd be kind of a whore (only being interested in this guy because of his social status).

he was trying to build a diplomatic and political career and needed a hostess at his side. she was eager to give up her interior-decorator dream and go to europe with him.

for both it was a 'marriage of convenience' after each losing a not-very-mourned spouse.


It was also the rebound factor, they both lost their spouse and they both were still not over it, and so they saw in each other the sympathy that no one else was aware enough to give.

But she might have been a little more aware to be alarmed at the speed at which he proposed. They were doomed from that point on.


I wished that man she met really cared for her and got through to her instead of reacting with big Ego fear and judgement.

Future congress man may have been just as shallow and egotistical, but him calling it off with Jasmine was not out of ego fear and judgement.

She had played him like a fiddle - at the very least it had to look like that from his perspective.


*Major spoilers in this post*

I was always rooting for her, she was certainly very complex,she had many flaws as evident in the film but she was also way more competent than we thought, she charmed the pants off Dwight very methodically. I also was rooting for her because of all the characters shown in the film she was the only one loyal to her lover, everyone during the course of the film cheated on their respective partners, except for Jasmine she was always loyal, it was her best attribute BUT then came the end and my attachment to her extinguished, she also cheated on her husband as well and her cheating was much worse than sex.


I don't think Chili or Augie cheated. They both seemed pretty devoted to Ginger.


Yeah but who cares about those chumps, right? She was talking about the strong independent women!


I felt very sorry for her. Hard to imagine what it would be like, to go from being on top of the world, to where she ended up. It makes sense that something like that would drive one mad.


I still think she was only temporarily mad. More like in a state of shock and denial. The fact that she was harassed at her job, and so vehemently proposed to and dumped, and was publicly despised and shunned by everyone she knew did little to help her find her feet. But I think the instability was not a mental disorder, and by extension, I like to think that the bench scene was only the lowest point in her life, and that she would get up and get her life together again.


This is the way I saw it also.


neither. and both.


I felt6 dislike for her and yet there was room for sympathy.


it is not about judging her, it is about watching and understanding the downward spirale she is stuck in. The how and the why.

this a society surgery & a deep analysis of human behaviour.

to pretend vs to be (Jeanette vs Ginger).

So ultimately if you want to judge somebody at the end, then this is you :

Are you living your life being true to yourself ? If no you just saw the likely consequences you may face sooner or later.


it is not about judging her, it is about watching and understanding the downward spirale she is stuck in. The how and the why.

this a society surgery & a deep analysis of human behaviour.

Are you living your life being true to yourself ?

If you are being true to yourself, you need to admit that you do judge other people, even fictional characters.

this a society surgery & a deep analysis of human behaviour.

Surely there is some aspect of this to be found in the movie. We could simply sum it up by saying, "Anything that seems too good to be true, isn't true"

But the format of the plot forces us to make individual character judgements in addition to sweeping, generalized social statements.

Surely we all have personal acquaintances like "Jasmine" who live in a dreamworld and attempt to ruin our lives by making us believe in their unrealistic dreams. They probably even mean well....


you do judge other people

well jasmine does that a lot (ginger does not), beside pretending

but judging one another tells more about the judge than that one another

whether fictional or not

this being said this importance of "rooting for a character" is 100% hollywood -dumb down the mass - paradigm (but woody allen is not from that school) & that has little to do with suggesting ideas and representing the world (essence of visual arts isn't it ?).

amazing movie, that'd be my judgment


I felt terribly sorry for her. The final scene is heartbreaking.

Maturity. The very staple of the IMDb message boards.


It's not that simple really. I wanted her to turn her life around and I admired her for trying but I also was very critical of her choices. Brilliant character, portrayal and film!!

"It's hard for me to watch American Idol because I have perfect pitch."
-Jenna, 30 Rock


she had many chances of redemption at the party, when he calls back, when they meet at the house, when he proposes her...

she didn't take any of them, so you cannot say she tried. You can say she pretends to try : it's the summary of her life (and our society).


he had many chances of redemption at the party, when he calls back, when they meet at the house, when he proposes her...

she didn't take any of them, so you cannot say she tried. You can say she pretends to try : it's the summary of her life


Exactly. Great post. Thanks, man.


When you've spun a web of lies, it's pretty hard to dig yourself out.



this importance of "rooting for a character" is 100% hollywood -dumb down the mass - paradigm

yeah, i hate that too.
i don't think woody allen is a brilliant movie-maker, but i do appreciate that his movies tend to stay clear of obvious 'good guy versus bad guy' stories.

some people feel sorry for jasmine, others hate her. we do not get it forced down our throats that she is 'good, because she has been punished and is mentally ill' or 'bad, because she looks down on poor people and aided her husband in stealing' and to me that is a sign of a well-written movie: the audience is allowed to make up their own minds about a multi-dimensional character.


really really really sorry for her
