MovieChat Forums > Alien: Covenant (2017) Discussion > Fess up Prometheturds, before it is too ...

Fess up Prometheturds, before it is too late!

Absolve your sins like the goo book tells you too!


Prometheus, Alien and Aliens make a fantastic trilogy. They each have their own genre: Science fiction, horror, action.

They complete an arc with its own story:
Science Fiction - Curiosity and Investigation.
Horror - Shock and awe at what was found.
Action - Time to finish it and clean up the mess.

Prometheus is also a wonderful homage to so many tropes of the sci-fi and horror universes, yet it doesn't feel densely packed.

The best part of all is how Prometheus enrages the simple minds that fail to comprehend it!

What a true masterpiece. No sequel could have done it justice, so it's good that Covenant didn't really try.


It is true that simple minds are enraged by it.

Just goes to show how much more simple the minds who love it must be 🤔


That was a pretty weak attempt. Just more "I know you are but what am I?"

Still not very creative, are ya? Oh well, at least you don't change ;)


Don't like your own medicine Spanners?

Feel free to update the world on the underlying depth of Princess Prometheus when you ready 🤣


Don't think Prometheus is a bad movie. I just think it becomes a very confused one by it's end.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


I think that it is an intelligent farce, a parody of an awful movie bloated with potential but parping it all away whilst staring at you with a poker face.

Or, more simply, it's just rubbish.


"Feel free to update the world on the underlying depth of Princess Prometheus when you ready"

As many times as I posted about the things I loved from the movie, including several times that I detailed the points that I posted in this thread, your claim that I've never expanded on my opinion is untrue. Perhaps you really just don't have a very good memory, old man. Either that or you just like lying, which you do have a lot of practice at.

Also, if you Prometheus bashers didn't want to be called stupid, you all really should have stopped posting stupid shit all the time and making yourselves look like fools. Yes, that's you included.

I mean just look at you know, you're still making yourself look like an idiot. Either that or proving yourself to be one.

I just replied to another idiot on the Prometheus board who criticized the movie by once again saying something stupid, and admitting he has trolled the movie since it came out (he actually said 2011 to 2017 though) and declared he isn't done yet.

Meanwhile he posted laughable tripe that proved he has no idea what he's talking about, which I had to point out because you bashers are blind to your own behavior.

If you want to see, go ahead and look at my reply to him, it was posted before this reply. I know how much you love stalking peoples' posting histories, so I'll leave it up to you to find the post where I point out how stupid his comment was.


Yadi Yadi yada... I checked out that other guy's posting history... yadi yadi yada...
