Should I even watch it?

Does it end on a massive cliff hanger?? Should I still watch it???


I can't remember if there was a big cliffhanger but I think so. I didn't think the show was that great kind of boring. The red head sister was very annoying


Does it end on a massive cliff hanger??

Yes. It does end on a pretty big cliffhanger. Actually there is more than one story line left unresolved.

Should I still watch it???

I say yes. It's a fun show. I binged watched it on Netflix a while back and even though it ends with unresolved story lines I still don't regret watching it.


So what exactly is this? Is it just about witches? Modern or mythical setting?


It's primarily a modern setting, Leia, but there are flashbacks through the centuries. Amick and Ormand--both of whom are great--are witch sisters, and the two younger actresses are Ormand's daughters and Amick's nieces. The story is there is a curse that causes both daughters to die while still young, and then be reincarnated in another era. Ormand and Amick are immortal. Amick changes into a cat a lot, which is very cool. You and I seem to have similar taste, so I think you'd like it.
