MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Discussion > Did anybody actually like Happy in this.

Did anybody actually like Happy in this.

I sure didn't. He was a huge jerk to Peter for no real reason and the way he hung up on Ned in the third act just rubbed me the wrong way. That awkward bathroom apology was too little, too late in my opinion. Plus if Happy actually did get fired from Stark Industries. Wouldn't his buddy Tony Stark get him his job back like it was nothing.


I did. Truth be told, I think I liked him better than ever. 🙂 The guy was unquestionably “a bit” of a prick to Peter for most of the movie, although I still found his standoffish behavior humorous, e.g, when he tells Ned “you gotta be shittin’ me” and hangs up on him, it is so wrong but hilarious. But in his defense, if I was ordered to babysit Peter abroad and soon after i had to keep my eye on him while he pestered me with texts and phone calls for months (interfering with my important duties), I would probably get fed up and become disgruntled with the young hero as well.

Now does this completely excuse how Happy treated Peter? No, of course not. However, it’s not that hard to understand why he acted in this manner. Eventually he realized what an a-hole he was being to the well-meaning Pedro (I mean Pete) and gave him an overdue but sincere apology. As for him getting fired, deep down he must’ve had the feeling that even Tony wouldn’t give him another chance. But we all know he would, especially after he was made to babysit Spider-Man. :D


I didn't exactly dislike him in this, he was funny in his own grumpy way, but I liked him better in the previous movies.
