Leslie Mann

She is the most annoying actor I've seen lately. Overacting to a fault. And that voice!



My daughter and I love Lesley Mann. She is hilarious. And so cute. She is adorable.


I agree 100%. Most annoying woman in movies (my opinion).


I thought she was the best part of the movie when she's really drunk or shows up at Carly's with a big dog and allows it to do exactly what Carly asks her not to, and it was better than most of the reviews I've read. She's a reals standout and steals this movie.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.




I'm sorry you feel that way. I loved her performance in this movie.

Respect what you have 🌌


I like her, and I thought she was good in this as the nice, ditzy wife and friend, but the movie as a whole just fell flat for me. What the hell happened to Nic? His overacting in the fecal incident scene and his final scene in the office was just terrible.


She was my favorite of the three Woman


Found a suitable partner for Leslie Mann, just Google "Robert Hoge Australian"


Yes. She is those things. But her obnoxious qualities can be used to advantage by a good director - I think Nick Cassavetes did that. She plays well against the other characters.
