Leslie Mann

She is the most annoying actor I've seen lately. Overacting to a fault. And that voice!


Nah she's funny. And stunningly beautiful.


She is bony and disgusting--She has ruined every movie that she has ever been in,she's an old hag


I disagree. She seems to confuse being funny with being loud and obnoxious. She is the female version of Seth Rogen. She is pretty but far from being stunningly beautiful.


Good thing she married Judd Apatow or she would have one thin resume.


Seconded. I wanted to strangle her. Obnoxious.

🐺 Boycott movies that involve real animal violence (& their directors) 🐾


I third that!


Are you kidding me? I love her! Seriously, she is adorable and as good an actress as many more "popular" comedic actresses today, like Jennifer Aniston, Cameron Diaz, Courtney Cox, etc.


I love her too! She was great in this movie! Hilarious!


Agreed. She's funnier than Aniston by a million ba zillion miles and in my opinion she's extremely pretty. Much prettier than even Cameron Diaz these days. I hate to say it but Cameron Diaz aged horribly. It's sad because she was so stunning. And Kate Upton in my opinion is average. The only thing she has going for her is her huge not fake rack, which I can see guys liking but the rest of her body isn't very attractive. She has no shape in her midsection. It's weird.. But I think Leslie Mann is a great comedic actress. Very funny and very pretty and def should get more credit. I haven't laughed at anything Jennifer Aniston or anyone like her as done in a long time like I laugh when I watch Leslie Mann. At least Cameron Diaz is still funny and talented. Jennifer Aniston can't even act anymore. At least not in a very entertaining way. She's always the same. Her prime waa friends. Since then she's gone downhill.


I thought she was the only one in the movie that put in an outstanding performance.
Annoying? That was what the character called for and she did it so well!
Good job downplaying the fact that she is prettier than Cameron Diaz, too.


Agreed. She's very, very pretty, and I like that voice, it's sort of edgy, very strange and charming.

And what happened to Cameron Diaz? The older she gets, the more she looks like a Wide Mouth frog...


dude i take offence and i am a wide eyed frog.lol.


Ditto! The movie would have been much better if it had been centered on her character and her performance instead of spreading out the credit to Diaz and Upton. Their characters should have been played out as supporting roles with lesser known character actresses not vying for the comedic spotlight.


This was a terrible role for her, and that is why you didn't like her. In all her other roles, she is in charge, witty, and has a great verbal rapport with all her co-actors. But in this Other Woman, she was like a little lost airheaded victim who needed help with EVERYTHING in her life. Leslie just didn't fit the role here, after seeing her do so much better in her comfort zone. We've seen her too many times as a savvy woman to buy her as helpless.


I really enjoyed her in this movie, and she played the airhead victimized poor little rich wife to a tee. That's why this movie was tolerable. I loved how she stalked Cameron Diaz and wore her down and made Carly like her. She's just so cute!!


You took the OP right out of my keyboard. What a fingernails-on-chalkboard twit.


I found her character annoying as well.
