MovieChat Forums > Arrow (2012) Discussion > Its just...not as good

Its just...not as good

Season 3 & 4 we're definitely steps down from season 1 & 2.

However Season 5 just has nothing 'captivating' at all going for it. The new team? We've seen a new team before in action and each individual actually earnt their place over the course of a season or however long. I just don't care about these newbies. Should I care that Wildcat is kidnapped?

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm just not excited to watch so far this season. Yes Laurel was one of my favorites so that makes things harder, but the storylines are just so bland. Why is Church even a threat?

Of course I'll still watch, the 100th episode & cross over looks promising, and however Laurel is returning intrigues me, but at this point I'd rather the Olicity drama over whats being shown at the moment. I used to rewatch the episodes after they air, I've not re watched any of season 5 yet.

Season 3 & 4 went off the rails in a bad way, but the first half of both their seasons we're MUCH more entertaining than this. Both had more of a a mystery, one with who killed Sara/the league of assassins coming & what was Darhk's motive/bringing Sara back to life.

There is a tiny glimmer of hope in the form of Prometheus, but he/she wasn't even in this ep.

Its got better choreography, I'll give it that, but better 'action' does not a good show make. Anyone agree?

The unexpected is the new cliche ~


Interesting points.


Stopped after 4. 2 was the highlight for me.


The only problem I ever had with the series was Oliver's telling so many people he was the Arrow his "secret identity" became a not-so-secret joke.


