MovieChat Forums > Bates Motel (2013) Discussion > This show is almost a parody of the orig...

This show is almost a parody of the original movie

Nothing is sacred anymore


In the movie and book, Norman was very isolated. Here he has multiple women chasing him, has a roommate, brother, sister in law, nephew, a step father in jail, a new sheriff who is on to him, a married woman who likes him, her husband, etc etc etc

It seems he has more of a social life than most people lol. I hope some of these people die off but that fact he is under the microscope already from so many people before the Marion Crane incident takes away from the fact he was under the radar for so long~

But its a show and they have to create some sort of plot~


It's the same with Mr Robot. Actual hackers with real life problems criticize that show for the same reasons that you mentioned.

If you make it too real, the "normies" will stop watching? I guess. Fuck em


agreed. thats what I didnt like about this show. many times it had this awful sitcom vibe. and too many uninteresting and unbelievable characters. (dylan , emma - of course they look both so pretty....*rolleyes*) His social life is as unrealistic as are his excellent social skills.


In the book Norman wasn't that isolated growing up there are a few clues to the fact he had friends.

In chapter one Mother says: Why, even an eight-year old child could recognize it.
They did, too, all your little playmates did, way back then. You're a Mamma's Boy.
That's what they called you, and that's what you were. Were, are, and always will be.
A big, fat, overgrown Mamma's Boy!

Another in Chapter 16: Sam lit a cigarette. I'm going to skip the data about his
school years, and his rejection by the army. But it was after that, when he was
around nineteen, that his mother must have decided Norman wasn't ever going
out into the world on his own. Maybe she deliberately prevented him from
growing up; we'll never actually know just how much she was responsible for
what he became. It was probably then that he began to develop his interest
in occultism, things like that.

So by the book he was 19 before he stopped socialising, which in turn I've always presumed for the Hitchcock film.

And of course in both the movie and the book they talk about if any other young girls went missing, which is why they begin draining the swamp as Mother said Norman killed others.


I don't think it's a parody. It's a prequel, of sorts, which deals with the underlying problems poor Norman is faced with. We get an in depth look at his tumultuous and unorthodox relationship with his mother.

It's subtle, at first, but it shows the deterioration of his psyche. Is it "nature or nurture"? Fascinating.


as the other user said, " In the movie and book, Norman was very isolated. Here he has multiple women chasing him, has a roommate, brother, sister in law, nephew, a step father in jail, a new sheriff who is on to him, a married woman who likes him, her husband, etc etc etc"


Well it's a re- imagining and it's working well . He I still isolated and very creepy . Just because all those people are/were in his life in no way diminishes the isolation he feels and we , as viewers feel.


Yeah well generational differences


@Ben (441) - Yes isolated in the book and film after Norma was already dead, book being we pick-up when he's lived with her corpse for 20 years and in the film he's lived with it for 10 years. It even says in the film when Sam and Lila visit the Sheriff that Norman became a recluse after his Mother died and that the Sheriff's Wife helped Norman pick-out the dress Norma was buried in (periwinkle blue).


Huge fan of the original and I have enjoyed this modern re eimaginating prequel. I was very against it at first. But the writing is top notch, the acting is fabulous and I think they are wrapping it up at the right time, without dragging it out before it wears out it's welcome. What cracks me up are the people shocked at the concluding tragedies. The entire premise is based off a beyond classic horror film series.


Might I also add, if they didn't charge many bits around that differentiate from the original book or movie, we would never have any element of surprise. Kudos to the entire cast and production.
