MovieChat Forums > Point Break (2015) Discussion > How many of those trashing talking actua...

How many of those trashing talking actually went to see it?

Look, I get it - I'm a huge fan of the original too. When I first heard this was getting remade I rolled my eyes like everyone else did.

But then I went to see it - in 3D - and it was one of the most amazing action movies I've ever seen. A visual master piece.

Sure the acting is a bit 2D (as it was in the original) and some of your plot lines will be slightly altered - but the ragging this movie is getting from the general public is just not fair IMO.

This movie stands alone from the original for the first surfing scene alone.


I've seen both. The original was entertaining. This remake isn't.


the cgi head replacements for that surfing scene was really awful. The surfing was good but those fake cgi heads just made it look worse


Utter nonsense. There has always been a devoted following for this movie. You can't just decide that there wasn't. A remake reminds the fans of the old great. Being a fan of the original does not require daily flag waving. Surely that makes sense to you.

Sure. I can accept there is and was a segment of us that loved the movie from day one - but it was never anything like the love-in currently going on here. And surely THAT makes sense to you.

The original was never at any point the national treasure its currently being propped up as - and most of its detractors complained about the exact same things they complained about in the remake, but they've casually forgotten about that now that the original has been anointed "cool".

So yeah... Hipsterism is the right word to use here.


The problem is that after you see a movie you can't get your money back no matter how horrible it was. That is why I research movies to make an educated guess on how it will be. On general principle I try to avoid remakes.


It doesn't matter if it is 'one of the most amazing action movies' that you've seen, it's a straight-up remake of an hollywood action movie that's only 25 years old. As such it's a clear attempt to cash in, and doesn't deserve our interest, it doesn't even merit comtempt. Boo hoo for the director putting in a good job that no one's going to give a *beep* about, but maybe he should have taken a chance on an original idea.



I haven't weighed in on this movie before and believe it or not i only just saw the preview from renting "Creed" yesterday. The effects look pretty great. I'll give this a go as a rental. People seem to be complaining about the acting, but maybe people don't remember the acting was a bit cheesy in the first one. Not knocking that, just an observation.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. DesktopĀ®


I liked it!


I'm trash talking and I did see it. It's stupid. Some of the stuff they did was not even believable.

I'm not going to spoil the movie but the first scene with the dirt bike jump....COME ON, YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME. I know it's a movie, but that was so stupid. Please explain to me why anyone would do that and it's impossible to land and stop on that surface which had dirt on it for some reason. No rock formation like that is going to have a dusting of dirt. It would more likely be just solid rock.

I'm not even going to go into the rest of the movie. That opening scene made me question why did I even bother watching this crap.

State champ in martial arts, trained with firearms, I eFF'n dare you!


I tried avoiding it but I bought it used from Hastings, buy 1 movie get 1 for a dollar. I was curious about what new take they would use, what direction it would take, I didn't know the direction was down the toilet! Bad movie, even if they changed the name to Searching for the Face of Enlightenment, or Extreme still would be a hot mess. Thank god I didn't pay more than a dollar.

So long and thanks for all the fish!


Waste of Money and time.You can see real extreme sports in Youtube and its real.
The only thing is you can see wonderful nature scenery.RIP Patrick Swayze.
