So John Candy was a woman?


I'm pretty sure John Candy had moobs.


Also XY chromosomes.


Have you seen this famous Magritte painting?

I agree with you that XY chromosomes should define it.

However, if it looks like a woman, it's a woman, for most purposes. If a biological male can pass as a woman, oh well, just call him "ma'am". Birth certificate should still say "male" though.


It's got to have XX chromosomes, a vagina, uterus, etc. to be a woman. There are trans guys who very convincingly look like women, at least with their clothes on. It doesn't matter what they look like, they're still dudes.


Males are just different than females - in their brains. I'm gay. Even the biggest most masculine barstomping bulldykes I've known still act like women at the core.

I don't want to delve into anybody's psyche or look inside their panties. If it looks and acts like a woman I'll treat it like a woman. I don't have time for nonsense and I just don't care.

Still, we might agree that the government should not be changing official records. Born a male, you're a male.
