How is it?

The trilogy of novels is amazing. I’m halfway through the last one. Quite epic in scale and very creative storytelling. How does the Netflix series compare?


FYI, there is a fourth book written as fan-fiction and backed by Liu Cixin himself, and people say it's just as good as the other three. It's called "The Redemption of Time" and it's written by someone called Baoshu. I'm still reading it so I can't tell my personal opinion yet (so far it's good but I hear it's going to get even better).
Anyway, apparently in China is being sold together with the other three.


Yes, I read that too. It’s good as well and endorsed by Liu Cixin, too.

Netflix series is not out yet, but I saw just a bit of the Chinese series. I only saw 2 episodes and quit. Chinese SFX are too cheesy, and I didn’t care for the editing style, either.


I read the first book.
It was really well written, but it was so long.

I just went to my Amazon Prime account to see if it was online,
and GD-it, Amazon just raised the monthly price of Prime without
advertisements by $3.00.

That really pissed me off.
