Reasons I HATE this movie

Before some of you accuse me of trolling, here's my reasons why I do not think this movie is THAT good, and do not understand the high praise. SPOILERS AHEAD! You have been warned.

- Thin character development. We get to know a bit about Star-Lord, but we only get about two minutes of back story. A child is sitting in the hospital and listens to some music, his mother dies and leaves him a present, kid runs outside and is taken away...okay! Not much there...

Why should I care about Star Lord? He seems pretty chilled out for someone who had a "tragic" childhood... Gamora is by far one of THE most pointless characters in a movie. For girl who is supposed to kick-ass, she gets saved by Star Lord twice... Black Widow did more than she did in "The Winter Soldier", Gamora makes Cinderella look like a feminist icon!

Drax, all he says is "I want to kill Ronan because he killed my family", we get no further emphasis on this, and then Ronan replies "I don't remember killing your family, I won't remember killing you as well". Screen-writing at its least laziest am I right? Ugghh...

Then there's Ronan, one of the least memorable villains in a while. And he's also the most dumb, he gets distracted by Star Lord dancing in front of him, why don't you just kill him?!? Imagine if some soldier during WWII decided to distract Hitler by dancing in front of him...Hitler would just shoot the guy, because he is not stupid.

Plus, the plot was predictable and lacked suspense, none of the heroes seemed to show any struggle or panic, so I could not care for any of them as their constant joking about made them seem like they had it in the bag.

I know I'm nitpicking, but I was as respectful as possible, I'm not expecting you to agree with me, but all I'm going to say is; if you love this movie, I won't hold that against you, I would just like it if I could express my opinion without people accusing me of having bad-taste.


My experience seeing this in the theater was amazing. I really needed that 2 hour nap.


What kind of retard are you to go into a movie to take a nap? Idiot.


Give him a break. He's probably homeless.


But after looking at your rated movies I have yet to see so many 1 movie ratings (Bladerunner a 1 really?) Maybe movies are not your cup of tea.

Really a 1 at least try reading the book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.


This film was amazing. You must have taken a wrong turn and watched a different movie. :)


Agreed. Dialogue and character development were just awful. So disappointing.

...then whoa, differences...


It's a kids' film.

There's not much more to it than that.


I had never seen the comics and I still could follow the movie and loved it.

Also None of the characters we from Earth(Terra) so it makes sense none of them would know what a dance off was and they were all looking at him wondering what he was doing


You have no taste my bro
