Why is this in the top 250?

Really, it shouldn't be. But I guess the top 250 is already messed up enough.


If crap like tdk can be #4 then GOTG is more than worthly of the top 250. The top 250 got messed up in 2008 when tdk fanbois made 000's of account to vote that pos to #1

Sarchasm (n): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it


Because it's awesome. That's why.


How? in what way?


I know it's depressing that people like this garbage, but dude don't even bother. I've come to realize that the reason so many people like this crap is because it is marginally better than MOST of the crap Hollywood puts out lately, and actually has some humor unlike the majority of action/drama/fantasy films of the 2005-2015 "Gritty Era". So in turn, it gets massively overrated by fans (and critics too, see Rotten Tomatoes) because it's the only half-decent mainstream movie in a massive pile of crap.

That's putting it mildly, OO7


Considering you liked Armageddon a lot more than it deserves, since it was mediocre and predictable Michael Bay schlock, I find your statement amusing and contradictory.


The Rotten Tomatoes approval of this movie has made me greatly reevaluate how much credence I give film critics. Male film critics, in particular, seem to love special effect/comic-book action-hero films far more than they should, and give them much higher ratings than they deserve.


Because the movie is entertaining. WTF did you want?

Every f*ing movie on IMDB has this same f*ing thread. This movie is overrated! This movie is underrated. Why don't you make your own list and put it up somewhere?

Sig, you want a sig, here's a SIG-sauer!


Wow, someone's grumpy today. Did I kill your family or something? because I don't think I did yet.


Man, sucks to be you.


Yeah, it gets difficult trying to deal with other people and their rubbish opinions.


because it is awesome and one of the few movies that you stuck in! I have seen it few days ago and I cannot move on to another movie!


If this movie deserves a perfect 10/10 for being awesome, how come the matrix is only a 3 from you?


Because "I'm Groot"


It's because the hype, marketing, and teenage IMDB users inflate the scores (under 18s gave it 8.6, which would place it in the top 30 films of all time were they the only votes). Just have to accept it as a consequence of public ratings, and move on.


But rotten tomatoes gave it a 7.8 average, which I found really surprising.


Good question, considering this movie is total garbage.


It's just an overrated movie with great marketing.


Are we talking about the list that has Shawshank on top? Guardians of the Galaxy could be top 10, it still wouldn't be the most problematic thing there.

For anyone looking for a decisive, unconditional list of the best non-cliché, mindblowing, original, never-seen-before stories should leave imdb and never come back.


I already found it, now I just stay here and complain about this list.
