
Wow I can't see the love for this movie, it's an entertaining action. But it's a very generic movie... Overrated in my opinion


It's almost criminally overrated

I am a lioness. I will not cringe for them.


Highly overrated.



To be honest I was embarrassed for the film makers, the movie was that bad.


I myself thought it was going to be, as some are calling it, an overhyped CGI-fest that offers nothing interest. But no, everything from the memorable characters to the stunning visuals, I found it immensely satisfying on almost every level. Predictable to some extent but never dull.

You want something corny? You got it!


You are over rated!

With all the reboots and what not....something comes out that isnt and you cant see that? So MANY other bad and horrible movies, this was a breathe of fresh air!

-=1000 travel books are not equal to 1 real trip=-




I don't think so, I'm really picky but thought this was very good and deserving of the praise.

The characters, soundtrack, and action all rocked.


Yeah this movie is dog feces. Incredible disappointment!


I would have agreed a couple of years ago, but watching again Its a great film. obviously just entertainment and not deep, but its really good

I'm a contradiction 
