
Wow I can't see the love for this movie, it's an entertaining action. But it's a very generic movie... Overrated in my opinion


I approached this movie thinking I would not care for it.

Much to my surprise I thoroughly enjoyed it. A SciFi/Comedy without being campy!

Loved Dax and many of his lines.
Nothing goes over my head...! My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it.

Let's head down to the cellar... and carve ourselves a witch.


I also feel that it is overrated. For me, the jokes were really hit-or-miss, with plenty of misses, and mixed in with the originality and the ideas from the comics were giant gobs of generic ideas and development. Now, while it is not terrible, I cannot sing great praises for the film.


Generic? We've never seen a film quite like this before. We've seen plenty of sci-fi but not like this. These wonderful clowns are the coolest characters in the Marvel universe (which is saying a lot.)



Well, it is. I really don't see what the whole buzz is about. Yeah, it's fun. But plenty movies are fun.


This film is a pile of garbage.


Most people like it because it reminds them of Star Wars. It's a fun movie, but it's not the best MCU movie. Racoon and Groot are the best characters


Rocket is one of the Top 5 characters in the MCU. He's as complex, dynamic and quirky as Groot is simple and stable. They're a great team.


People can dislike this film all they want, but generic it is not.

There is no 'now', here.


I was high when I saw GotG and not when I saw Dark Knight. Both are good movies, but I remember GotG a lot more. Take what you will.
