Woke Elite Forces

That's right, you heard me, WOKE! Always saving a kid or letting one go then shit hits the fan. Same shtick like Lone Survivor 2014. You were sent there to DO A MISSION, not play SJW hero for kids. Ya gotta be as tough and cruel as the IDF on Gaza to get the mission done above all else.


I'm now imagining these guys heading for their 'safe space' at the first sign of trouble! True story... Years ago I was a (British) forces PTI. One day I was training some recruits when one of them actually raised his hand and said to me 'Excuse me, but I've reached my comfort threshold'! His ****ing comfort threshold! He actually thought I was going to say 'Oh okay, you have a sit down then'! 😂 He didn't say it a second time!


Had to look up PTI (Physical Training Instructor). Some people just aren't fit for battle or warrioring. Did the guy pass though?


Sorry, yes that's right.

No, I think he lasted about a month.
