MovieChat Forums > Hatfields & McCoys (2012) Discussion > What other subjects would you like to se...

What other subjects would you like to see History Channel do?

Personally, I would like to see a mini-series about the fight between Edison and Tesla.

Don't confuse my lack of funds for company loyalty.


The truth behind the attack on the USS Liberty.


Lewis and Clark would be nice, oh wait this the History channel we're talking here, then how about the quirky antics of some guys working on... oh I don't know... how about a loading dock, then come up with a clever name like "Dockers". One could be old and lazy, obviously one thats a moron and funny, another that talks with his hands and twists his head when he's pissed and finally one with a catch phrase that always uses the term 'what's up my man'.


I'd like a good truthful accurate account of the Long Walk of the Navajo. I'd also be real interested in a special about the 49ers. The people who came to California during the gold rush, not the football team.


I want them to get back together with Simon Schama and do another...I don't know what. I know it wasn't their idea but History of Britain was the best thing they ever had on their network.

History of Scotland
The Rise and Fall of Islamic Spian
The History of Modern Britain are also good.


Richard Pearse, the first man to fly a plane ( 9 months before the wright brothers ).


What about the real story of Colonel Patterson, the man who killed the maneating lions of Tsavo? He was a very remarkable person-so was James Corbett, who hunted maneaters for the government of India for over 30 years. These were heroic men who saved the lives of countless people in Africa and India.


I would like to see something on the beginning of TV.

Don't confuse my lack of funds for company loyalty.


You mean that little box that was never going to replace radio? That gives me another idea-what about inventions that are ubiquitous today that at the time, people thought would never catch on?


Howard Carter finding Tutankhamun...Sacajawea...Lincoln Assassination and the hunt for Booth...Joan of Arc...Marie Antoinette...Princess Grace marrying Prince Ranier? I love weddings...oh and Pocohontas...just a few ideas.


Bonnie & Clyde, a good choice since Lindsay Pulsipher is attached to one, and would be a good choice for Bonnie. The 1968 film was historically inaccurate.

The French & Indian War



No doubt the B&C film was "historically inaccurate".... but if you want to see a real piece of "Historical inaccuracy", catch "The Untouchables" film... pure fiction... and HISTORY actually airred this several times a few years back...

"I don't argue with idiots, they bring me down to their level and beat me with experience"


Does it have to be mainly American History or can I suggest indepth close-ups of the early explorers like (Marco Polo Leif Eriksson, Bartholomeu Dias, Ferdinand Magellan, Verrazzano Giovanni, 15th Century Chinese explorer Zheng He, David Livingstone, Sir Francis Drake and even Mercenary John Smith)

"Deeean, did you get pee-pee scared again?"



Oh, yeah, Zheng He! I'd love to see a program about him-I've been interested in him ever since first finding out about him-a sort of Chinese Sinbad the Sailor.


Oh... They did a mini-series about Marco Polo when I was a kid. I don't remember if it was any good, but it's a great idea. I'd like to see them do another one.

Don't confuse my lack of funds for company loyalty.


I would like to see a good and propper film that holds close to the truth about Jesse James!!! (The outlaw not the biker) lol


Really any historical period pieces that aren't set in the 1960's. The 60's have been done to death. We need something set in the Harlem renaissance of the 1920's.


Being a Roman History freak for 53 years I would like to see an honest to God depiction of Caesar's conquest of Gaul...particularly the treachery that wiped out the Sabinus/Cotta camp, the INCREDIBLE heroism of Quintis Cicero's troops when the same treachery was tried on them and, finally, the siege of Alecia!! What the Romans did to take that fortress city was an engineering MARVEL that would be hard to duplicate today! Oh, and there's Caesar's bridge across the "impassable" Rhine river...completed in DAYS!
And get someone who LOOKS like caesar to play him!!! Jeremy Sisto INDEED!!! What were they THINKING!!!


How about all the lives and loves of the early presidents? Didn't Jefferson have black slaves he made whoopie with? What about Davy Crocket and Daniel Boone? Kit Carson! Wow...I like westerns and British stuff. Even the Von Trapp family could be redone (without tripping into silly songs). The actress who Elvis loved who became a NUN!!! Delores something??? I would also like to see a better autobiography done of John Denver. The one with Chad Lowe was just ok but some of it wasn't accurate.


I'd like to see the story of the birth of the auto industry. Aside from Henry Ford, there's David Buick, Ransom Olds, The Chevrolet Brothers and a whole lot of colorful characters.


I would love to see a complete re-do of "Heavenly Creatures", with a new cast and complete follow-up on these girls after their release from prison. The Hulme/Parker case was fascinating. The movie is masterful, but I would love to see more.




Lol, Hitler.

"Stalingrad. . . The fall of Stalingrad was the end of Europe. There's been a cataclysm."
