the ending

By some strange chance, do you think the sister actually survived the surgery?


Highly improbable that the sister would have survived. Pauline chloroformed her sister who has limited use of her lungs as it is; as someone else said, it's most likely Pauline died before the incisions were even made. Her lungs simply wouldn't have been able to take it.

Someone also mentioned that Pauline didn't even bother to hook her sister's lungs up after replacing them. A deliberate error of course, because Pauline simply wasn't intelligent enough (she was a very low grade student who put little to no interest in studying or research). She was deluded enough to believe replacing the lung was all she really needed to do to save her sister's life.

We've become a race of peeping toms.


When someone that has no medial training whatsoever cuts open a persons body and cuts their lungs away from their body while the person is rendered unconscious by an unknown amount of something like chloroform. The person they do that to would die.

Pauline's not a med student or a doctor. The b!tch is simply a crazy person that read some books.



She's clearly dead when she's shown, her eyes are open and lifeless, her mouth is pouring blood, and her lungs are ripped out without being hooked up to any machines that would keep her alive during the procedure. Pauline had very small medical knowledge, she would not have performed the surgery successfully in even the wildest of imaginations.
