the ending

By some strange chance, do you think the sister actually survived the surgery?


No chance whatever ....

considering she had no formal training as a surgeon; didn't have a team of between 10 to 15 very experienced medical professionals to support her; and was performing the procedure with a variety of house-hold implements, in the family garage, instead of a modern fully equipped operatin theatre.

I think its safe to assume that neither "patient" survived, or for that matter ever had any chance of surviving


Her sister might have died just by the way she put her out in her condition. I would love to se 20 seconds of Paulines view tough, all delusional and happy.



^very true. I think that it would have missed the point of the movie if the sister actually did survive.


Pretty sure no.


No, I think she had clearly been dead for some time.




I think that she is already dead during the surgery. It is crazier because of that.


She died moments after she woke up, her eyes wouldn't have opened otherwise.


Am I wrong, or did she not even bother to hook up the new lungs? Just dropped them in the body cavity and stitched her up? I don't think the question is whether the sister died, but just how many different ways Pauline managed to kill her.


she's supposed to be dead, but when Pauline is taking the other girl's lung close to Grace, Grace actually moves her little toe :( i know that's a mistake and it's due to the fact that she was actually alive when filming the scene, but even so.


Dead bodies sometimes twitch. I don't think that was such a devastating blooper really.


one thing is to twitch a leg or smth, other thing is to twitch just one little toe when every part of her body is totally quiet.


Well she woke up just before dying as she opened her eyes so that might have had something to do with it.
