Why is puke funny?

I have never understood why vomit is so hilarious to people these days. I realize that the gross out factor is funny sometimes, but I find that movies like this that have repeated scenes of projectile vomiting take what could have been wonderful & funny and turn it into cheap laughs or even utter garbage. I wanted to like this movie so much, but the oceans and oceans of puke just ruined it for me. I can't see how the movie was made any better by adding all of that. Why couldn't it have just been a little bit of barf in that beginning scene, instead of such a grotesque regurgitation, seemingly of everything the girl had ever eaten in her life? Just my opinion, but I'm sure someone will have to comment & say I'm wrong. Oh well.


They have to use visual gross-out humor to make up for the boring dialogue and unfunny actors. They failed in the visual gross-out humor department too.

I had more laughs watching Terms of Endearment.


Thank you!
I just have watched the film for the first time and came here to say the same thing.

I liked a lot in the film, but the vomit ruins it for me, it makes me feel ill and then embarrassed for the film that they felt the need to go there.

Is it funny to anyone? I just find it disgusting and feel if you need to do that you have run dry on ideas and so fallen on that, maybe trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
I don't know I find it disgusting and not funny in the slightest.


The puking scenes really didn't bother me that much but when the Asian girl made a puke angel that really turned my stomach.

You killed my babysitter!


Of the entire movie, the puke part in the gym, while that gal was making "ANGELS IN THE VOMIT" was the worst part. They could have done just fine by eliminating that part, imho.


Never thought puke scenes were funny, but actually did laugh in the theater at the vomit scene in The Exorcist. I did it as a defense mechanism mainly because everyone said how scary it was and I would leave the theater so scared. I really did laugh. And the head spinning scene also I thought was hilarious. Anyway I think fart scenes are a lot funnier then puke scenes? Agree??? Plus more movies are having girls fart a lot more when it was always males doing the tooting.


Check out the scene in Guest House Paradiso , it had me in tears laughing.
