KKK approved!

Not a single black person in the entire movie lolz.. Never seen that tbh just wanted to point that out^^


Get over yourself.

Not every movie has to have black people in it. Just because there are no black people in a movie, doesn't make it racist. If anything, you display racism, by focusing on the presence or absence of black people from this movie, since you are the one focused on race, above any other consideration.

If anything that makes you the racist.

What makes a Movie racist, is not whether black people are or are not in it, but ... How they are depicted, represented, or talked about.


So well said.


I wanna make a film about Kuntry Klub Kommandos.


There aren't many blacks in Europe.


Some of the giant 3D holograms walking around were black.


I know, right? It's amazing how much blatant racism exists in world cinema today. I mean, I just watched this Japanese movie and can you believe that every character in it was a damn Asian?

I guess not everyone in the world can be as enlightened as we are here in Hollywood. We would have included at least one token black character. They may not have done much and likely would have simply been an amalgam of cultural stereotypes, but at least we'd be supporting ethnic diversity.


And he would have died first.


Possibly the robots were the black people
"ill treated, disposable, had to kneel down in front of the white man,got shot out of hand, were not allowed to fix themselves, had no clothes.
And the clincher
White man with a passable looking wife expecting baby gets the hots for a robot who has some interesting moves designed to pleasure men.
And what were those fake boobs about.
Though in her defense she did look hotter than Melanie Griffiths.
Plastic surgery gone awol.
Still Chloe was no Maria.


Affirmative action and this PC stuff will be the end of us, us meaning humans.


Thank Hollyweird, they made it, not the pointy hat people.
