MovieChat Forums > The Call (2013) Discussion > The ending was SO bad!!

The ending was SO bad!!

It completely changed the characters.

The killer changed his MO when he wanted to torture Casey and not kill her like he killed Leah.
Jordan went out on the field and when she dropped her phone in the dungeon she made the decision to go after the phone instead of going to ask for help in another way?
Casey was this little cute teenager who cried thinking about what was going to happen and at the end of the day she stabbed the killer with a pair of scissors AND then suggested they should leave him there tied up to a chair?
Jordan agrees to the ideas of a 15 year old instead of calling her colleagues at 911 to report that they have the killer?

Also, now they have to lie saying that Jordan found Casey in the woods?
The police are going to want to know where she escaped from and why does Jordan have bruises on her...there's going to be questions. If by any chance someone will find the killer's body strapped to a chair, will no one take the prints from the chair / tape and other things in the room?
such a bad idea, this ending.


The killer seems to have a thing for blonde hairs...

He say that she must stay alive to prevent her hairs to dies.
Maybe he realize that with the girl he killed before and that's why he don't kill
Casey. He change because he evolve, his character was changing, but the motive stayed the same. It's recognized that a lot of serial killers get sloppier at the end. There's a lot going on inside them.

The end was ok. Not bad, just was not that surprise at all.
He can rot in hell I'm fine with it.

some couple of scene at the end, in the wood house part, basement, the girl kept alive and the hairs obsession, it made me think about the Silence of the lambs!


Good movie, bad ending.

I'm not even against the whole "go after the killer alone" because I except that in horror movies these days. But from "WAIT" on... it just makes it REALLY unbelievable, stretching the realism even more than it had.

"She's just going to say she found me in the forest."

LOL!!!! What the serious *beep*? Dumbest ending EVER.


Bad movie bad ending. One cliche after another.


I still think it's one of the better WWE movies.


I thought the ending was great. He got what he deserved and he won't get out. I'm sure she secured the area.


*sigh* this movie was SO good and suspenseful for the first hour or so, and then they had to go and ruin it completely in the last 30 minutes. utterly disappointing...

"It's all about the ladies. And start chugging your B vitamins, cause it's exhausting sh*t"


I agree JlJ, for a WWE movie it was pretty good. I didn't mind the ending, yes I did find her not calling the police to be a bit unrealistic but I know why they did what they did in the end, jail was too good for him, they wanted him to suffer like he made those poor girls suffer. Not the greatest ending ever but it wasn't bad to me except for her not calling the police in the start, it would of been better if she had forgotten her phone or something rather than having it and not using it.


I've been robbed.

I was really enjoying the movie and the fact that someone (some people) had actually put some thought in to how the story could develop ...

... and then a twelve year old wrote the part about her (Halle) going down the ladder and rest of the stupid cliches that followed.

Two parts thriller - one part stupid slasher clone.


I just watched this movie on STARZ for the first time. Gothika was so much better than this and the ending was much better than The Call ending. Anyways, I like the movie and I was on the edge of my seat towards the end I expected something else different. Ok so she dropped her phone down in the dungeon I thought she would run screaming for help or something. I didn't get the part of the killer why was he sniffing the wig, so was he crazy about hair. He didn't seem that way in the beginning, I just wanted to know what was his motive for doing what he did. I felt the movie should have been another hour or so long. Maybe they are giving us a Part 2 of The Call.


The bad ending started with Berry's character deciding to go by herself to check out the killer's lair instead of alerting the police to the new clue about the flag pole. And also where wad the FBI during all this. The FBI gets called in on all abduction cases, I believe.

Also, I found it highly unlikely that there weren't still police/agents at the scene processing it. They KNEW who the killer was. They KNEW he owned the place. Any law enforcement agency would have left some officers there in case the suspect shows up and to go through belongings (papers, etc) to try to get a clue to where the killer might be hiding. I also find it highly unlikely that they wouldn't have found those pictures of him and the sister and drawn the same conclusions that Berry did. And where were the dogs that they wouldv'e used to sniff the place out. The dogs would have found the guys underground lair pretty quickly, me thinks. Completely stupid and illogical ending. The movie was pretty decent up until that point.

I also don't know how NO ONE recognized the noise of that metal thing hitting a flag pole. I immediately knew what the sound was because we have a flag pole outside our workplace. Every police station I have ever seen has a flag pole too...probably the same with the 911 center. And NO ONE recognized the sound. Come On!


Halle goes down the ladder and the rest of the film with it. Was quite good until that point. Just wish there was an explanation as to what the killer was trying to achieve. Im guessing hes trying to recreate his dead ex-girl/sister/whatever !


I didn't hate the ending and all the people saying his MO changed, I don't think so. It wasn't that he wanted to torture them or hurt them or kill them or particularly keep them alive, he just wanted to use them to recreate his dead sister. I think everything else to him was irrelevant. He might have killed the first girl because she fought too much or just because he was done with her or she wasn't right for whatever he needed her for. We don't know but we can assume it somehow fits.

Then as for the very ending, no spoiler tag needed since we're on the thread called "the ending was so bad!!" I guess... I don't think it was so far-fetched but seriously once your home free out of there and you see that he's knocked out on the ground, I think anyone would just run. Halle's character knows what will happen to him; the evidence is piled high, that man is going to jail. The little girl I feel like no matter how tough the situation has made her I think would just hug Halle and then do whatever she said. Not say "wait". However seeing that we can't actually change the ending, here's to believing that they shut that door and then immediately called the cops and told them what happened so the guy could freak out in there by himself until going off to jail and then everyone is happy the end.


"However seeing that we can't actually change the ending, here's to believing that they shut that door and then immediately called the cops and told them what happened so the guy could freak out in there by himself until going off to jail and then everyone is happy the end."

That's what I'm thinking too cos as every who's ever watched a horror movie knows -> leaving a tied up baddie to die alone will inevitably be followed by said baddie untying himself and coming for ya with a big knife. So since they didn't, I don't know, slit his wrists before leaving, then I'm thinking they DID do the phone thing.


I didn't have a problem with her going out to the scene, she is tired of never knowing what happens at the end of a scenario and wants some sort of closure. I don't even mind that she went down the ladder and when she heard Casey decided to try and do something rather than let another girl die while handing the task over to others. But the 'twist' ending where they leave him in the cellar to die...I understand the impulse, but not the reality.
As some others mentioned it would leave too many people with no idea what happened to their daughters, (there were a lot of scalps there) leave the girl's mother thinking her abductor was still out there, and leave both women with permanent trauma. If Jordan wanted closure on something, she sure wasn't helping herself out with that ending was she?


I have to agree with you. It made absolutely no sense. Like there was no point in the ending...


As soon as we saw her driving up there...the lights were flashing "Bad Ending! Bad Ending!"

Not that the rest is so great, but it kept me reasonably entertained. And if for no other reason, my fascination with that curly, upside down triangle Halle was wearing on her head.


I think its a shame when you watch a movie that you think is "good" and has something going for it, and the end is either just "mediocre" or "iffy", which i think this movie falls into. I also thought Exam fell into this catagory aswell.

I think its too much of a sudden character change. So these 2 females would be able to sleep at night knowing that a man is chained to a chair in an obscure basement starving and rotting to death when they put him there?. Also i thought the ending was iffy for the same reasons the OP gave. Both of them would obviously of been questioned by the police once the victim was free, so they would both lie to the police and both keep their made up stories identical to each others?.

Otherwise until the ending i thought the movie was pretty dam good and kept me glued.


I would've killed the bastard.
