MovieChat Forums > The Great British Bake Off (2014) Discussion > Any non-British watch this show?

Any non-British watch this show?

I heard about this show through the Daily Mail. I like to skim that site and read about the Baked Alaska affair on it. I watched a clip of the meltdown, then the whole episode and was instantly hooked. It's one of my favourite shows. I live in Canada.

I can't be the only one outside Britain?


American here. I love this show


I just recently discovered it and am watching an older season on Netflix and the newer one on I LOVE it!!! It's so much more charming than most of our hectic baking shows.
But I'm disappointed that there aren't more seasons available over here in the US.
Does anyone know how to find more seasons?


I'm from Venezuela (South America), and I really like this show. I've only watched series 6, but I'm hoping to watch the rest. The judges are critical but not unnecessarily mean, and the recipes are different. We don't get a lot of British style cooking here, way more familiar with Italian or French. For example, that millefeuille didn't look like any millefeuille I've eaten. And it took me a while to understand that "creme pat" was pastry cream XD . It's a window to a different culture, I particularly liked the Victorian episode.


My wife and I, both Americans living in California, are watching it on Netflix. Even though I'm not particularly interested in baking, and I would have to be starving in a life raft before I'd eat any of the stuff they make, I enjoy the show.
