MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > FINALLY!!!! The BEES scene explained by ...

FINALLY!!!! The BEES scene explained by the director

I posted this question earlier and only one member came close to cracking it (thanks Loveman!!!) And no, guys, the scene wasn't put there just to look "weird" or "cool"

Villeneuve has my respect!!!


oh, so he's relating it back to OUR reality without telling us? This is the BLADE RUNNER 2049 universe, not 2017 non-movie universe. How are we supposed to know he meant HOPE from that? Seems yet another STRETCH to me.


gjb2074, he knew there could be some confusion with the scene, and so he explained his vision. I think we should be grateful he took the time to explain instead of leaving us in limbo.

Villeneuve is the fan's director, and I don't think he's trying to win the naysayers over.


mmmmmmeeeehhhh.... I go with: when they have to EXPLAIN it outside the movie, or on disc "director's commentary", then the scene failed to deliver what it should have: an explanation or tie in. Bee scene didn't work so he >>HAD TO<< explain it outside the movie. That's a shame. "Show, don't tell."

I found scene odd, thinking, "I thought bees were dying out from our pollution?" finding it odd they were just sitting there in that baron, polluted, radiated environment. BUT, at that point, feeling the movie tossed things out without explaining them, I didn't think there was a reason to give it a second thought. Never got any feeling of HOPE out of it. (thus, he had to explain it). Just MY opinion. :)


I appreciate his explanation. He earned my respect years ago, but now I hold him in higher esteem than ever before. I couldn’t be more satisfied with his vision of Blade Runner.


Thank you, DracTarashV2! That's exactly how I felt after watching the clip. Satisfied and in further awe!



Thanks for sharing this link - I hadn’t noticed the feeders (which are hanging right there!) - explains how the bees might survive. Nice one.


Thanks for sharing. When I saw the bees- I thought that someone was obviously tending to them, and that person or group had established a life out in the wasteland. I also took it as a symbol of hope, that someone out there was hoping to have a better life. That is one of the many things I liked about the film where you get to infer your own symbolism and it could mean different things to different people.
