advocating drugs

So sad that adult MOMS advocate drug usage guised in a movie called "Sisters". In the culture of quick addictions that devastate families, neighborhoods, and whole communities, I would think that Amy and Tina would have more sense than to allow this movie to happen. With the title "Sisters", these two genius comediennes miss the mark at what is possible for humor. My sisters are incredible and funny. They disrespect my sisters and our relationship. These women need to apologize for acting in this movie with such a horrible story line. I am shocked and disappointed with the choices they made.


It was so offensive unfunny and boring I lasted a hour and shut it off... It actually depressed me. This is the way people think humor is supposed to be. As offensive as possible... Reminded me of the new Vacation and a lot of latest comedies.
It was made by Universal always making 2 hour films no matter how bad and a pay day for the actors.


Let me guess...the OP drives a Minivan with the stick-man family sticker on it...just a hunch. Well hon, you and your wonderful sisters of glory can watch Beaches and cry and hug anytime you want...oh...I need to know how the OP traveled back in time to post this from 1959.


OP is a total moron. So what if their film had drugs in it? Seriously, what whiny prudes you people are


Not to mention how it promotes wall climbing without safety equipment. That is crazy dangerous.


Not to mention swimming without a life vest, arm floaties, an innertube, and the Coast Guard on speed dial. How could they promote such self destructive behavior?


This horrible world is the only place you can call home.


Your post was funnier than the entire movie.

Thanks for this.

No one Gives it to have to take it


I felt the film disrespected the sisters who ran the school I went to when I was a kid. Yeah, so I was I really was expecting more of a nun movie. Then the drinking started and some dancing and they sent the dude from Too Wong Fu to get drugs and I felt the film pretty much redeemed itself. Sister Bonaduci would have totally smacked every one of those people on the hands with a ruler, and you know what? We would have liked it. I know I said "we", as though I were there too. That's because my medication blurs the line between television and reality. Real Housewives does a good job of that too. I also liked the line, "Let's light some cars on fire!" Because arson just reminds me of childhood.


i don't think this film advocated drugs. it showed some drug use, and if you are anti drugs i should think you would find it pitiful to see these people lose control of themselves and end up trashing a house. if anything, this film was rather anti the excessive use of drugs.
