MovieChat Forums > American Horror Story (2011) Discussion > If they had to pick a horror story from ...

If they had to pick a horror story from YOUR town...

What would the season be based on? Use real examples of local horror stories that could make a season of the show. And I mean an actual story that could be sustained, not like "There's a haunted convenience store in my town" because unless the season was set exclusively in the store, get it.

There are tons of local legends and haunts in small (or big) towns across America.

Mine would have to be about this haunted subdivision. It's like something straight out of Poltergeist. There's an entire neighborhood where the residents complain about paranormal phenomena. They even did a radio show about it once for Halloween.

I once found out a friend of mine had lived in it for a while and asked if he had any stories to tell. He said nothing happened to his family, but they lived next door to a house that was always on the market and the story always ended the same way. He said a couple would move in and initially be fine, but then they'd start having loud fights and the woman would become disheveled-looking and the man intense. Then they'd break up or get divorced and move out. I thought "What's so strange about that? Moving is stressful" but he said the fights were always about the exact same thing with every couple. And he meant specifically, like they'd always have the exact same argument and even use some of the same words as the previous couple and the story always ended the same way (they'd break up or divorce and move). And apparently this happened with four different couples over the course of two years. He said it was like something in the house was influencing them and it was uncanny.

Once I was driving through the neighborhood with a friend who was from out of town and he suddenly said he was getting a bad vibe from the area and wanted me to get out of the subdivision. He had no idea about the local stories.

Word from some locals is that the homes were built on Indian burial ground, but I've had no confirmation of this.

Once when someone I knew was looking to buy a home, they were warned not to go past a certain line in town because that's where the trouble starts.

Anyway, your turn.


Well I live in the DC area and there are lots of ghostly stories. So any of those could be a good story. I also know that one of the founding fathers' estate is very haunted! I think that would be kind of cool! Also there is Bunnyman in Fairfax County, VA.* That legend has it that some crazy criminal in the early 1950s escaped from a prison train transporting him from DC through VA. He escaped. It was around Easter time. He found an Eastern Bunny suit, dressed up in it, found an ax by some woodshed and started chopping people up - mainly kids. The legend has it he hid under this tunnel out in the woods and that he was found and killed there, and dead children or something were hanging there. It is 100% urban legend started back in the early 1980s by bored teenagers trying to scare each other. And the legend changes all the time, but it was reported to news sources etc... and kind of stuck. I have been there a few times and waited under the tunnel. It is creepy as hell, but otherwise nothing more than power of suggestion. That would be a good story.

* The movie Donnie Darko is taking place in the late 1980s in a made up town in Northern Virginia. Frank, the man in an evil looking rabbit suit that Donnie constantly sees, was most likely inspired by the Bunnyman legends.


The most famous would be Ronald Clark O'Bryan, the Pixy Stick Killer or AKA Candy Man.

The world is built by killers, so you better get used to looking at them.


Well, I'm not American, but Indonesia (which is where I'm from) have tons of horror stories. My university, The University of Indonesia, is not only one of the best universities, but also one of the most haunted places here. I've heard so many stories from so many people, ranging from Pocong who followed your bike when the place is empty, a mad man who terrorizes girls at night when no one is around, and Kuntilanak on the Teksas bridge. I got scared just typing this.

