MovieChat Forums > American Horror Story (2011) Discussion > If they had to pick a horror story from ...

If they had to pick a horror story from YOUR town...

What would the season be based on? Use real examples of local horror stories that could make a season of the show. And I mean an actual story that could be sustained, not like "There's a haunted convenience store in my town" because unless the season was set exclusively in the store, get it.

There are tons of local legends and haunts in small (or big) towns across America.

Mine would have to be about this haunted subdivision. It's like something straight out of Poltergeist. There's an entire neighborhood where the residents complain about paranormal phenomena. They even did a radio show about it once for Halloween.

I once found out a friend of mine had lived in it for a while and asked if he had any stories to tell. He said nothing happened to his family, but they lived next door to a house that was always on the market and the story always ended the same way. He said a couple would move in and initially be fine, but then they'd start having loud fights and the woman would become disheveled-looking and the man intense. Then they'd break up or get divorced and move out. I thought "What's so strange about that? Moving is stressful" but he said the fights were always about the exact same thing with every couple. And he meant specifically, like they'd always have the exact same argument and even use some of the same words as the previous couple and the story always ended the same way (they'd break up or divorce and move). And apparently this happened with four different couples over the course of two years. He said it was like something in the house was influencing them and it was uncanny.

Once I was driving through the neighborhood with a friend who was from out of town and he suddenly said he was getting a bad vibe from the area and wanted me to get out of the subdivision. He had no idea about the local stories.

Word from some locals is that the homes were built on Indian burial ground, but I've had no confirmation of this.

Once when someone I knew was looking to buy a home, they were warned not to go past a certain line in town because that's where the trouble starts.

Anyway, your turn.


There is a place in my town called Hana House which has deep roots with the Civil War and the Underground Railroad. The owners (maybe the city) capitalize on this already by offering tours and special "haunted" tours during the fall. There is also an off-site haunted house attraction with corn mazes and things like that. I feel like an entire season could be based around the Civil War connections to this house that is supposedly haunted by runaway slaves and slave owners.

There is also a house in my hometown (not where I currently live) that teens used to drive out to because it was supposedly haunted and weird things would happen if you were on the property. I spent a night there with friends... and some weird stuff definitely happened. Strange lights outside, noises, shadows, the whole nine yards.


I live in Southern NJ, so it would be pretty easy to pick...the Jersey Devil. Supposedly, an 18th century woman who already had 12 children got pregnant and declared that her 13th child would be a devil. Flash forward to her giving birth to a part goat, part bat creature.


Setting: very rich suburb of Oklahoma.

There is a "college" located on the outskirts. No one knows exactly what goes on in there (outsiders are not welcome) but there is a huge watch tower. Kids try to get in, saying that they will somehow video tape the going ons, but can't ever get past the first gate.

Second scenario.

Setting: poorer suburb of Oklahoma.

Drive down a long road, and you hit a hidden trail. You've heard rumors about a witch's house being burned down with her inside. There have been stories of car batteries going dead, cellphones suddenly draining. You don't believe them. Surely, it is just a myth. You set out with your friends to disprove it. You get there, with your voice recorder in your hand, and walk down the dark path lined with trees. You come across a section of land. The only evidence of a house previously being there is a round stone fireplace that has started to break down and fall apart. You laugh with your friends, thinking you were stupid for ever believing the stories. You get out your phone to take a picture, but it is dead. Whatever. You call it a night and walk back to your car. You try to start it, but it won't turn on. You ask your friend for her phone, but it is dead as well. Starting to panic a little, you turn on the voice recorder. The battery is somehow still working. You hear a distant/muffled voice saying, "come". You think your friends messed with you but, in the pitch black night, you're easily frightened. Now you are losing your bravery, and go out to the road to flag down someone to jump your car.

Etc, etc, car gets jumped and you go home to talk about what happened. That's what happened with me, but I could completely see a twisty turnu thing happening with the jumper guy.

Sorry this is so long!


There used to be this guy named Bob. He was kind of a drifter I guess, well not really a drifter because he was always in town. He rode his bicycle everywhere and everyone knew him as Bicycle Bob. He was a nice, friendly guy and we'd always wave to him and he'd smile back. This was still the late 80's, and he wasn't really a 'stranger' since he rode around town every day.

About 10 years ago he had picked up some random work for this elderly man in town. The guy didn't have any family, and he lived all alone. So it took a few days to find his body. Bob murdered him with an axe. Now we refer to him as Axe Murderer Bob.

There's also a few dirt roads that are said to be haunted. Strange noises, lights in the middle of nowhere, that kind of thing.



Nope, NY. But that's interesting. Was it solved?



"Showed off the victim's severed finger"???? That is so sad. And sooo disturbing. I can't remember the name of it, but I read a true crime book about a girl who killed a school roommate and carried a piece of her skull around with her. Takes a special kind of messed up...




I'm from near Alton, Illinois. We've got the haunted house, we've got the haunted hotel, we've got the Confederate prison and cemetery, we've got a river, we've got a tiny mall that used to be a mineral spring spa and is now haunted, the haunted school...They could totally set a whole season there.




Not an American Horror Story, but this.

We used to sing an old rhyme about her when we were kids which went 'Mary Ann Cotton, she's dead an rotten, she lies in her grave with her fingers up her bottom'. Yeah, I know, very mature.

Say what now?


I'm from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. We had serial killers, gangters, biker wars, bank robbers and tragedies, like the Polytechnique shooting in the 80s, there is a movie about it:, but I don't recall any supernatural 'horror' stories. We have some folk tales, like the Chasse-Galerie:


Hum, I forget some years ago, early 2000s, we have a buzz with cloning and the Rael sect, it was crazy time:


Someone who lived in the neighborhood I grew up in, an adult woman with three children, slowly went crazy. She would walk around the neighborhood banging pots and pans, one time ran around butt naked screaming. Her husband was always away on business.

One day she lost it for good and murdered her three children in the front yard by cutting their heads off.

My mom (who also grew up in the same neighborhood) was in grade school across the street at the time and can recall that day very vividly.

I should also include that four of the 9/11 terrorists lived in an apartment complex on the same street as me (and attended the mosque I used to ride my bike by every day) and an infamous pregnant-wife murderer grew up in the same neighborhood.


I'm in Amityville now so The Amityville Horror, decades later. Sounds similar to your story.


I live in a town called Jægerspris in Denmark and we have a forest there that surrounds the city. The trees there are said to be haunted and alive. But that's just old man tales. I have had a few experiences there myself though:

I've walked through it at night several times (If you've been in the city the busses don't drive at night, so you have to walk 6 miles to get there over a bridge and through the forest) and it's just weird. I don't get scared easily and I've walked through several other forests at night but it doesn't give the same feeling as that forest. I've walked in it my whole life in daylight and it's beautiful! But at night.. it just feels wrong. I can't really describe it the right way but it feels like I shouldn't be there. I've heard wolfs howl at night (there's no wolfs there) and one time I even heard like some kind of witch cackling and I ran.

When I was kid too there's this valley in the forest where we would go bob sliding in the winters. Which I did with two friends. The valley is surrounded by trees but there's three paths that are the go-to paths for bob sliding there. Suddenly we all felt a little tired and one of my friends said he didn't feel well and we decided to head home. As we walk down the narrowing pass of the valley we look back, I look back and see in the middle of the one path we had been bob sliding down the most, suddenly there was a big wooden cross. It wasn't branches from the distance taking the shape of that. It was real. We all saw it and we ran the *beep* out of there. That is 12 years ago now and every time I pass the valley I always check to see what it could possibly have been. Still gives me the creeps!

After that incident my uncles cat died and we buried it in our garden. That night I had this wallmounted *beep* CD player with a bright blue LED screen and a *beep* remote for it. I had been listening to some Louis Armstrong before going to bed and turned it off with the remote laying on the ground. Then suddenly I wake up and it's dark and the LED screen turns on which is impossible since the remote is on the floor on my bed back then was quite tall. Suddenly the loudest white noise comes from the system and I panic! (It even gives me the chills thinking about right now) I like loud music but I had NEVER heard it be THAT loud. I rush over to turn it off but it won't. So I could over to pull the plug and my mom opened my door asking what the hell was going on. I finally pull the plug but it doesn't turn off for what felt like 30 seconds but I'm gonna stay pessimistic about the time and bring it down to 10 seconds before it finally turns off.
Our neighbour is an electrician and I met him a few days later and asked him about what possibly could create such a situation (I'm VERY skeptical about paranormal stuff and whenever my siblings would say they felt like they were being watched or experiencing unexplainable stuff I would just shrug it off)
Well he said that there's a little something called remaining electricity that could cause it. Except that it usually takes half a second before it's gone.

To this day I still can't explain what happened that night.
