MovieChat Forums > 13 Reasons Why (2017) Discussion > Required For All Entering Middle School

Required For All Entering Middle School

I'm old. Really old, but I like watching movies and series with a focus on school age children, more or less, to 'keep up' with how it is for them now, as opposed to when I was in school.

Sure, we had the bullies, and they made life hell for those they picked on, which were the same students from first grade all the way to graduation, and I can list the 'victims' names to this day. We didn't know the word BULLY back then, but as a bystander, instead of the one standing up for, I really really wish I knew then what I know now. I would whoop some bully ass, or at least help them in some way.

I think 13 Reasons Why should be required viewing, with ongoing discussion, for every single child who is about to enter middle school, which would be around the age of 10-12. It should be a requisite upon either leaving middle or entering high school.

Whacha think? Did you watch Selena Gomez' short discussion afterwards?


I feel like 10 is too young for this kind of show, don't you think? My daughter turns 10 in a few weeks and although I do want to watch it with her in a few years, some of the scenes in the last few episodes feel far too graphic for a kid of 10 to watch. I think 12-14 is better, depending on the child and their level of maturity.

I don't know, am I being too naive? All kids are different and there may be some younger kids that could benefit if they're starting to go through this already, I guess. I'm sure it depends on the area and the school, whether they have cell phones already, etc. I just think 10 seems so young to deal with this kind of heavy subject matter. Makes me sad to think about.


I agree with you, it made me sad to think about how cruel the world is.


I don't envy you, withatwist, having talks with her. Different aspects could be helpful though for the age she is right now.

I thought about retirement, then said no, I'll do something entirely different, so I drove a school bus Tier Level, which was the elementary (ages 7-11) and the highschool (15-18). I saw every aspect of the show in all the children, regardless of their age. Driving these children everyday and seeing and hearing what this generation is having to deal with is still unfathomable, and being an object OF the worst of their behavior was the deciding factor in just up & quitting one evening.

I'm sitting here SMH at the pressure children are under from an early age such as your daughter. I think parents from my point of view Are too naive. It was a rare child who's parents were fully involved with their child's day-to-day life beyond the help with homework, eat, go to ball practice, etc, and I had diverse socio & ecomomic little heathens.


I struggled watching a few scenes and i'm 19. Lmao @ you thinking a 10 year old should watch it, it's fucking heavy.


I was uncomfortable during a few, Joey, but depending on the child, I stand by the age. Children might not have the emotional maturity to understand it, but a parent or trusted adult could watch with, and use it as a catalyst for an indepth talk/question session.


I am glad I don't have kids in school anymore. I worry about any future grand kids I may have.


I'm thankful I don't either, hownos. I do have 15 g'children I worry about having to grow up during these days. The world is definitely not the same as back then.


I couldn't agree with you more! This tv show is powerful and I told my friends with teenagers they should make them watch it. Bullying is at a whole other level when tech is involved. I thought it did an excellent job of describing how staying silent when someone else is being bullied is so utterly harmful. MLK-In the end we will remember the silence of our friends more than the words of our enemies. I want my niece and nephew to see this for sure but I think at 11 and 12, respectively, they're too young. I love how honest it is but it might a little too much for them. I feel like "withatwist" may be right, it might be naive and they may be going through some of these things already.


I wish someone would do a remake focusing on the 10-12 year olds.

I don't doubt they're going through some of these things. I was around 7-18 year olds on a daily basis for almost 3 years, and I was shocked, at first, by what's going on now. Later I just wanted to ring their necks!


It's funny, I was speaking to a former 5th grade teacher today and she said that she felt it's a watershed year for all the students. She said a lot of bad behavior starts at this age so I think you're right. It would be nice to have something as honest as this show but maybe a bit less graphic. But, you also said you were surprised at how sophisticated they are so maybe it is appropriate.


I like it so far. This feels like a remake of Nightmare on Elm Street. Except Freddy never shows up, and its just follows the teens through their various dramas (Tony in particular makes me think of Rod in part one).


I haven't seen Nightmare in so many years I've forgotten who Rod is.


This SHOULD NOT be required! It's a horrible portrayal of mental health and suicide and gives the impression that it's okay to blame everyone else for your unhappiness and that revenge is good.
