MovieChat Forums > Jodaeiye Nader az Simin (2011) Discussion > Who here is NOT Iranian, and likes this ...

Who here is NOT Iranian, and likes this movie? (im interested)

If you like it, then give three reasons as to why? im really interested in knowing why :)


I'm Israeli and I thought it was a superb film.

The characters were so believable, I felt like I was watching a real story unfold.

I liked the fact that there was no Kafkaism in the sense of man vs. system. Instead it was just depiction of a bunch of regular Joes caught in a turmoil that has spun out of their control.

As an atheist I appreciated the fact that religion played a marginal role, merely a plot point and nothing more significant.

Please don't confront me with my failures, I have not forgotten them.


I'm American and I enjoyed this film very much!


1. I loved the dark tone that this film had; it felt like I was watching a documentary about two real Iranian families. Which leads me into the second reason why I liked this film...

2. I loved getting an in depth look into a culutre/society that I knew absolutely nothing about.

3. I loved the ambigous ending, it went well with the rest of the movie because during the movie you didn't really know who to root for and who to be mad at. I liked how the director left the interpretation up to the audience.


I'm Irish and I thought it was one the best movies I've ever seen.


1. It shows events that could happen in any one of our lives -the difficulties of caring for a sick relative, relationship difficulties

2. How small, seemingly insignificant actions can combine to create a tragedy

3. It made me think what I would do if I was the same difficult situations as some of the main characters

You're an errand boy, sent by grocery clerks, to collect a bill


Have any of you watched "about elly" yet?? I watched it today. Its *beep* amazing, I prefer it to this, its gets very good after 40mins or so. Just dont lose your concentration.

Here is the link-


Are you Iranian? If you are, you can read this article I wrote about it:



I'm a good-looking 210 year-old Martian with a fair skin (light yellowish green with a hint of blue). I loved this movie!

1. The scene with the cute little girl playing with the knob of the dying old man's oxygen tank. (hard not to laugh)

2. Leila Fatami's exquisite beauty.

3. The realistic dialogs and characters' development, the gritty script, the superb and perfect directing, the pacing and building of the story, and of course, the amazing acting.

My List:


I am from India and really liked this movie very much.

1 > Not a single frame in movie is unreal. It feels like watching a thriller without guns.

2 > It clearly seems that it is a very low budget film but a very real script and screenplay along with very fine actors has made it unforgettable.

3 > It deals with real complexity of anybody's life. Sometimes our behavior in such complex situation could be something like that even we could have not imagine it.


Brilliant film. Impeccable performances. One can sympathize with every character. It's one of those rare films that stay with you long after..
I doubt that I would have even been able to see it in my country if it hadn't won the Oscar, so - another great thing!


I'm Turkish and my reasons for liking this movie are no different than what most of the users here has stated, so no need for reprise; although I must add that I'm a sucker for drama and Persian culture.


sounds like a circle jerk thread where we all give ourselves a pat on the back

"...future events such as these will affect you in the future"
-best movie evar


From Israel. This film is powerful-I cried my eyes out...The performances were so good I forgot I was watching a movie.



I'm Greek, and i really liked this for the reasons why..

1. a surprisingly deep and detailed plot with great characters and themes that come together as a hole.
2. i assume a realistic look into the modern iranian society which is always interesting from a foreigner's point of view. of the best cliffhangers i can remember..
