MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > The most mature MCU film to date.

The most mature MCU film to date.

I think that's why I loved it more than most of the other mcu films.


BP is mature compared to other MCU titles, but I'd take Thor3 over BP any day. Not that I'm against mature movies, Winter Soldier is probably my favorite title, but I'm not seeing anything all that special about BP. Not calling it a bad movie or anything, don't get me wrong here.


I can respect your view even though i disagree. Thor 3 is far too tongue in cheek for me to ever take it seriously. The problem with all Thor films for me is it is like it's afraid to have any drama. The moment there is any sort of drama about to happen it will cut to a stupid gag for cheap laughs. I know it's lighthearted which is fine but even other lighthearted films balance this a lot better.

When there is always a lame joke inserted it makes it so I can't ever get invested because I'm waiting for the dramatic moment to be ruined by a joke.

Even with Donner's Superman and Raimi's first two Spider-man flicks it balanced this nicely. Both of those franchises are lighthearted films but they manage to actually have serious dramatic moments that stick with you. Thor doesn't have any of that.


Though rare Thor3 had its drama moments sans jokes (death of Odin) but I didn't mind the jokes because most of them worked and they were mostly not-juvenile. Unlike GotG2 (vol1 was great but vol2 not so much) or Deadpool, just because someone curses of says a penis-joke that doesn't make it funny (depending how old you are).

Thor3 was "clean" as in it's always obvious what's going on, with BP it was difficult to keep track of everything when fighting began, too much happening too fast. Also I loved the music in Thor3 and that retro 80's vibe, but that's just me. The only memorable music from BP wasn't probably music at all - during the Busan night club fight when Okoye started wielding her spear the background music, though short, was awesome.


I guess for me I saw 80's movies it was replicating and I liked the ones it was replicating more. Mad max beyond the thunderdome and big trouble in little China. I admit I am an easy lay for 80s stuff most of the time. I kept hearing that Thor 3 was great and while I enjoyed it I simply thought it was good nothing special.

The other thing is I never could take any villain seriously in Thor 3. See with Kill monger I could take him seriously. I found Logan to be the best comic book film of 2017.

Agreed about Guardians 2. Loved the first, the second while I thought was okay turned juvenile and forgettable.


But it's really a coming-of-age film! At it's heart, it's a film about a man losing his father and having to really grow up, and figuring out his final identity as a fully independent adult.

Which is, I suppose, as mature as comic book movies get.
