MovieChat Forums > Black Panther (2018) Discussion > Third negative review...and it's another...

Third negative review...and it's another foreign critic

Proof positive American critics are too politically correct and afraid to be honest about reviewing movies.

I'll stick to foreign critics from now on Rotten Tomatoes are full of PC pusses.


Must be some greater feeling of inadequacy that drives racism in the US.


Yeah, racists drive people to post fake reviews for fear of being attacked.


Prove it. Or it doesn't exist.
Link it. Or it didn't happen.

Ah, ah, ahhhh, don't provide a link of social media, twitter or comments to the editor. Show me a critic that states that Fear of Being Called Racist made him/her change, alter or post their review.

Be a Captain and lead on this one rather than a pawn and have to follow along.


Go to Rottentomatoes > Look up critic from negative review > Go to Twitter > Search for critics Twitter page...learn to read what is posted.

Want me to do it for you or can you do it yourself without mommy's help?


Didn't I say Twitter is persona non grata?

Show me where the reviewer/critic changed, altered or didn't provide an honest review.

You can't. You won't

You'll show me where there is some feedback but you can't show me that it actually prevented anyone from giving their honest review.

In your world Critics have no backbone and no integrity. Except international critics I guess.


There is one rotten review from an American finally.
