Is this a movie?

Just curious. All I hear from Black Panther is related to race and politics.
Maybe it's because I'm not American, but I really don't give a fuck about race. I loved BP in Civil War and the shots of Wakanda looked cool. The trailer had me hyped because it looked amazing. But now all everyone talks about is race, racism and politics. I really forget that this even is a Marvel movie that is suppose to be a cool, fun action movie.

I mean, is the story cool? Whats it even about? Like seriously, nobody is talking about any of that stuff. Is the acting good? The story looked like another 'fight against an evil version of the main character'. Something we saw in Iron Man, Thor, Ant-Man, Dr Strange. So is it new and different ? Or more of the same? Again, not talking from a race standpoint. Sure its different because it takes place in Africa, but what about the STORY?

How does it fare in the MCU? Does it push the MCU in a new direction, like, plot related? How does it connect with the other movies? How is the soundtrack? How is it shot? Good cinematography or just bland colors? Hows the pacing?
I could go on and on forever but all I hear is ''yeahhh black people!''.


Judging by internet comments you would think that America is having a civil war over this movie... it's absurd... Everyone is pre-triggered on both sides and they haven't even seen the movie... Really?!

Denzel, Jordan, Ali, MLK, etc... Iconic actors, atheletes and activists have been part of American pop culture for a long time... How young are these posters?!

I'm also not an American... This media storm they are living in is very strange... A lot of pain in their posts, before even seeing the movie... Probably moreso than the fanboy crying after The Last Jedi was released.... The thing is, this isn't fanboy pain, but their real pain that they are projecting onto this movie, as if it is some important step for Black people in America (Really?!), to acting like it's a race war to erase whites (Really?!)... Can you guys just hug it out? Or get overyourselves? 😉

I think partly it echos the election last year, with the stats discussion and everyone feeling that it is an existential crisis... Except that people seem to be putting more of an effort into these discussions 🤣

It's embarrassing and kind of makes one yearn for the inane flame wars between Marvel and DC fanboys... Not realising that most people can't tell the difference between those two brands, if they even recognise them at all... It's all spandex to the rest of us 😂

I watch one comicbook/kids movie in cinema a year... Last year was Star Wars, the year before was Batman Vs Superman... This year will probably be Black Panther in a week or two... I didn't care about any of them, some are fun, some suck, most are in between...

Star Wars sucked as a movie, Batman Vs Superman was tedious at times, but it had some nice touches and imagery... I liked the whole Superman as a God mythology, very nicely done... But yeah, just an ok movie...👍

I think Black Panther will be interesting if they have given the director a lot of leeway to do his thing, he's good... But it's still just a comicbook movie... the same way Get Out is still just a horror-comedy... People need to get over themselves and stop being so post modern... be direct and go and protest, or build in the real world, instead of crying about trivialities in kids movies as if they matter to real life..😘

I think (hope?) in 6 weeks, all of this will die down and people will start discussing the movie for what it actually is... Just another toy movie for kids 😘😉😎

There will be a period of post-game analysis, not of the movie, but rather the "scores"... at the box office and various review sites like Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, etc... In fact, I think that's it... This whole thing is just a sepctator sport for these guys... Red Sox Vs. Yankees... The tribalism, the stats nerding, the antagonistic trash talking... It all makes sense now! 😁


>>Not realising that most people can't tell the difference between those two brands, if they even recognise them at all... 😂

Haha, you're absolutely right, at least in the post Batman v Superman era when DC realised it's safer to just copy Marvel than let Snyder make 3 hour long Jesus allegories.


I guess you're right. Its just absurd to see. I want to talk about the movie. Not the politics and race-issues people are projecting onto it. Why does everything nowadays have to revolve around race? It feels like going back in time.


It's most likely the same shit for mass-consumption Marvel has been shitting out since Iron Man. If you liked the rest of it, you'll probably like this one. Only difference is the race hype surrounding it, but I highly doubt it has anything meaningful to say about race, race relations, racism or anything like that. It's nothing more than a marketing strategy.


And it is working wonders to drum up attention for this movie. I agree, it's probably as good as most of the other marvel movies, but I doubt it's as earth shattering as the early critics are spouting.


I loved all Marvel movies, so I do think I will also love this movie. I just hoped people would talk about the actual movie and story instead of race. What year is it? How will we ever get past racism if race keeps getting brought up?
