MovieChat Forums > Her (2014) Discussion > the pregnant lady?

the pregnant lady?

that seen freaked me out, why was he thinking about a pregnant girl for the phone sex thing. that was creepy and weird. he should have been thinking of a skinny modle or something more realistic


Wow, OP, that's quite an overreaction to the scene and "thinking of a skinny model or something more realistic"?

People get turned on by different things, what you like someone else may not like.


Had to do with her being the last women he saw naked and didn't have an emotional relationship with. Note he didn't think of Catherine naked.

Do I have to give it to you?


Yes, this is the correct answer, they start building up this scene when he's on the train and reads the news - that's when he watched this woman's "provocative pregnancy photos".

It's like the other people in this thread didn't watch the movie.
I thought it was very obvious, funny (and sad) and a somewhat relatable scene.


Ahhhh it must be nice to be so young that you have no idea that you're an idiot.


OP if you find skinny people so arousing, then perhaps you're living on the wrong continent.

Maybe you'd be better off living in Biafra, South Sudan or maybe even Eritrea where emaciated bodyforms are the norm. Give me voluptuous curves any day: I prefer my fantasies to at least look healthy!

I'm also delighted to realise that as you regard human pregnancy as some form of disease or physical defect that you'll never be adding your own abberant genetic malfunctionality to Homo sapiens' gene pool.


Damn, the original post is ridiculous, and the responses to it are hilarious and almost restore some faith in humanity...


You need to get out more. Pregnant women have sex with their husbands, always have, and always will.
