learn the facts!

I am a fanatic about the militaries toughest and most dangerous missions so i went into this movie knowing everything there is to know about Osama bin laden's death i will not say that the directors made a bad movie but the facts were destroyed so much i could not enjoy it.

were to start?

1.) the hawk that went down was in two pieces not one that is why the seal who was in charge of blowing it up didn't get it all.

2.) the seals did NOT i repeat did NOT almost shoot any non combatant not almost not kind of they were not even out of the compound they had pakistani men on the ground with road blocks telling people it was just a drill for the pakistani military school and when the pakistani police got there they told them to ask there superiors knowing it would take to long for them to find out that they were lying and the seals would already be gone.

3.)the seals also did not shoot people over and over and over they would do to shots one in the chest and one in the head maybe another if they missed once but that would be rare.

4.) when the seals got to the final floor there was only 2 people in the room Osama and one or his wives who he used as a human shield one of the seals tackled the wife and the other shot him once in the chest and once in the head and when the wife got up and picked up a gun they did the same to her needless to say they did not shoot him however many times they shot him in the movie just because the seals were and are professional enough to not waste ammo.

5.) and finally they did not take Osama back to a base they immediately went to an aircraft carrier that promptly held a funeral at sea they then went to a base but Mya or whoever she is acting as never saw him with his own eyes and even if he did a chunk of his head was blown off because of the shot to the head.

and i can go on!

the directors did a great job at making the movie interesting but with all of these things wrong that was all i was focusing on all of these being wrong also made me question the rest of the movies credibility if i had absolutely no clue what had happened in real life i believe that i would have loved the movie.


The raid never happened!


You're delusional.


Pretty sure he's b.s.'ing--you're supposed to get a huge /kneeslap out of it. But if not, yeah, he's delusional.

"Oooo, lookee, a Sneerfest I can jump in on!!!"


Wow, what in incoherent mess your post is. I couldn't even manage to finish reading it all, think about editing it.


The sheeple will always remain ignorant.




Oh, Fox News, then it must be true, right? Let me guess, you also believe there's a bearded giant living in the sky and in his magical "son". My bad.


The fact we should all learn first is that a democracy like the USA is supposed to be can NEVER engage in the kind of acts portrayed in this movie. And when we do (and it has been proven beyond any possible doubt), we lose any moral authority we could have ever had in decrying abuse, torture and human rights violations anywhere else in the world.
I am ashamed to live in a country that engaged in systematic torture in order to obtain intelligence about Bin Laden. And, even though parts of Zero Dark Thirty were fictionalized to increase the drama, there is ample evidence of US misconduct taking place in Guantanamo and other locations with brutal violations of political prisoners' human rights. Several armed forces members and intelligence operatives have come forward in denouncing the continuous waterboarding, sleep deprivation, beatings and other forms of torture US officials were constantly practicing.
About the actual killing of Bin Laden, I always thought everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Because it would have been problematic to bring OBL back to the US to face trial (which had, indeed, been done before in Noriega's case for instance) the US Government unilaterally decided to become judge and executioner. In doing this we violated every single International Law precept. While I was never a fan of Bin Laden, I am a staunch supporter of Justice and Law and our actions in this case were not just illegal but downright criminal. Shame on all of us!!!


Have you seen what these jackasses who fight for Bin Laden do up close? I have. They murder innocent people daily, girls for going to school, they use women and children as human shields. They did this crap because of Bin Laden. We had one chance and one chance only to kill him after years of not knowing where he was. Sure, we went into an allied country without their blessing, but telling them could have resulted in him getting tipped off. After all, he was staying in a pretty big town with the dang military school a mile down the road, in a house they stuck out like a sore leaf ect. Obviously people in Pakistan were protecting him, people high up in the government.

Killing him on the spot was the best idea. Shame on you for thinking a man who has had a hand in thousands of murders of innocent people deserves a trial and such. He signed his death certificate the minute he started attacking the United States.

Haters gonna hate


There's no doubt in my mind Osama Bin Laden was a monster and deserved to pay for his crimes. Only not the way it happened. When we, as a society or a country, embark on the same course our enemies do....all we're doing is putting ourselves at their same level!!! Can't you see that??? I have a Law degree and firmly believe every single criminal (Bin Laden and the like included) deserves a fair trial. If someone raped or murdered my daughter I would still feel the same way. Sure I'd itch to kill the mutherfocker with my own hands but then...that would be revenge never Justice, wouldn't it??? If we were to take Justice into our own hands at every turn the world would become a complete chaos. We all need to learn this lesson no matter what feelings we may have.
Your point about going in undetected makes no sense. I never said that was wrong. But once there we should have taken him alive and that possibility was discarded from the get-go. The seals had specific orders to kill Bin Laden on the spot and never bring him to real Justice. And that, my friend, is plain and simple murder, any which way you look at it!!!


Yep, Bin Laden was "murdered" by the Seal Team. If that had happened under a Republican President the mainsleaze media would have called it "MURDER" and would have wanted to impeach that President. Under obubba, they all claimed it as a triumphant event. That is the undeniable TRUTH and everyone with a functioning brain knows it.


"Going in undetected" was also wrong. It was a brazen act of an empire that no longer gives a damn about any nation's sovereignty but its own. How would the media react if a Chinese or Russian death squad made a stealth attack on American soil, assassinating several individuals and then kidnapping one or more of the bodies to secretly dispose of? It would be considered a provocative act of aggression if either of those countries so much as stationed troops within the Western hemisphere. Sadly in the mind of many Americans today, might makes right, and so the attack and assassination were justified precisely because America has the technology, military force, and global politico-economic influence to get away with it. Same logic goes for our hundreds of drone attacks across the Middle East and recent death squad raids into Somalia and Libya. This principle seems to not only be the de facto US military policy but also US foreign policy, as evidenced by the administration's persistent efforts to engineer the overthrow of elected governments in places like Ukraine and Venezuela under the cover of NGO and USAID operations, replacing elected officials with the State Department's hand-picked henchmen (like Arseniy Yatsenyuk).


Mighty_Jack: Very well put. An intelligent, articulate exposition of what the US has become when it comes to foreign affairs and international political intrigue. As you so eloquently said, what we find ourselves totally entitled to do is something we would never put up if it were done by any other nation, big or small. Our country has become the self-appointed policeman of the world even when nobody asked for it. And we indulge in pure hypocrisy when we claim the protection of our national security as the justification for any strikes, murders or any attack in general on foreign soil. Hopefully everyday more people are realizing what the true reasons behind our unjustifiable criminal acts are...


I respect it when sane Americans see through the machinations of their fellow countrymen. It is irksome to see vacuous people trumpeting great "endeavours" when they do not try to understand such matters objectively. When americans would never put up with such transgression of national sovereignty if it were done by any other nations, that is nothing but sheer hypocrisy.


The US is the new Roman Empire, the leaders of the world. We govern other countries now, just like Rome did in Israel. It sucks. But, get used to it.

By the way, I still don't believe our Roman leaders let these sheep-herders into our airspace to hit the World Trade Center and The Pentagon. I think it was all a big fcking smoke-screen for what was really going on, covering up 2.3 trillion dollars.


About the actual killing of Bin Laden, I always thought everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Because it would have been problematic to bring OBL back to the US to face trial (which had, indeed, been done before in Noriega's case for instance) the US Government unilaterally decided to become judge and executioner. In doing this we violated every single International Law precept. While I was never a fan of Bin Laden, I am a staunch supporter of Justice and Law and our actions in this case were not just illegal but downright criminal. Shame on all of us!!!

So you want the SEALs to bring back Osama alive to the United States, do you know the sh.tstorm that would create? So where are you going to try and hold him? New York? Where are you going to detain him? He would be up on Federal charges and would get the death penalty. He would sit on Death Row for 10 years exhausting every appeal possible.

This guy orchestrated the murder of 4000 innocent civilians. Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword!

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


Learn how to write a complete sentence.
