learn the facts!

I am a fanatic about the militaries toughest and most dangerous missions so i went into this movie knowing everything there is to know about Osama bin laden's death i will not say that the directors made a bad movie but the facts were destroyed so much i could not enjoy it.

were to start?

1.) the hawk that went down was in two pieces not one that is why the seal who was in charge of blowing it up didn't get it all.

2.) the seals did NOT i repeat did NOT almost shoot any non combatant not almost not kind of they were not even out of the compound they had pakistani men on the ground with road blocks telling people it was just a drill for the pakistani military school and when the pakistani police got there they told them to ask there superiors knowing it would take to long for them to find out that they were lying and the seals would already be gone.

3.)the seals also did not shoot people over and over and over they would do to shots one in the chest and one in the head maybe another if they missed once but that would be rare.

4.) when the seals got to the final floor there was only 2 people in the room Osama and one or his wives who he used as a human shield one of the seals tackled the wife and the other shot him once in the chest and once in the head and when the wife got up and picked up a gun they did the same to her needless to say they did not shoot him however many times they shot him in the movie just because the seals were and are professional enough to not waste ammo.

5.) and finally they did not take Osama back to a base they immediately went to an aircraft carrier that promptly held a funeral at sea they then went to a base but Mya or whoever she is acting as never saw him with his own eyes and even if he did a chunk of his head was blown off because of the shot to the head.

and i can go on!

the directors did a great job at making the movie interesting but with all of these things wrong that was all i was focusing on all of these being wrong also made me question the rest of the movies credibility if i had absolutely no clue what had happened in real life i believe that i would have loved the movie.


You missed the biggest one.
They never really killed him.


jesse ventura was responsible for 9/11


honestly em replying to this :/

OBL haunted for 10 years with unlimited intle of the world yet was never found ?
(must be a ghost)

then suddenly found on a vacation with his family in a compound
nobody like nobdy exept the GENIUS CIA found it :p

lets discuss the big day

a country using BAAZ 2000 was unabel to detect 2 hally :P
a city having the most secured army basses never launced its quick respons teams :p

the seals shot him down ?
while he captured alive was not a very big task in the given "SCRIPT"

most brilliant gadgets fixed with night vission cameras got stoned on the sight of OBL (he must be naked)

an they leave with him the same way they came up after doing a Dj Dance in almost HQ City of world 8th Largest army, while hitting them down was a piece of cake when half of Abbotabad is fixed with antiaircrafts

the most amazing one they have to burry him in the "SEA" kill me :p
u had the balls to break all global laws and do that oppration but u were afraid to show his footage , and then further u LOST THE FOOTAGE
was it ur birthday party jacik dance u lost it :D
like serious we are tawking about the man who produced the largest SALE of weppons for more then 40 countries the father of a 10 year war (in ur script)

if somebody noticed 10 days latter India try to do something of same style for Hafiz Saeed but with F-16 4 of them and was waved off from the borders in less then 5 minutes by the Pakistani Air Force what they were on LSD's in case OBL

My frends in simple words it was a beautiful drama with so many loop holes
and had pakistani Intelegence and CIA fully ivolved , just to make sure ISI do the job properly they were gifted by SALALA mascar so they know who's the BOSS

other wise even the drama was not possibel



what a bunch of junk... also, not one correctly constructed sentence... can't even follow that babble


Jesus *beep* Christ learn to write. No one will take you seriously when you write like a 5 year old.


The depiction of Operation Neptune's Spear in the movie did not deviate too much from the depiction of the same operation in the book No Easy Day.
