learn the facts!

I am a fanatic about the militaries toughest and most dangerous missions so i went into this movie knowing everything there is to know about Osama bin laden's death i will not say that the directors made a bad movie but the facts were destroyed so much i could not enjoy it.

were to start?

1.) the hawk that went down was in two pieces not one that is why the seal who was in charge of blowing it up didn't get it all.

2.) the seals did NOT i repeat did NOT almost shoot any non combatant not almost not kind of they were not even out of the compound they had pakistani men on the ground with road blocks telling people it was just a drill for the pakistani military school and when the pakistani police got there they told them to ask there superiors knowing it would take to long for them to find out that they were lying and the seals would already be gone.

3.)the seals also did not shoot people over and over and over they would do to shots one in the chest and one in the head maybe another if they missed once but that would be rare.

4.) when the seals got to the final floor there was only 2 people in the room Osama and one or his wives who he used as a human shield one of the seals tackled the wife and the other shot him once in the chest and once in the head and when the wife got up and picked up a gun they did the same to her needless to say they did not shoot him however many times they shot him in the movie just because the seals were and are professional enough to not waste ammo.

5.) and finally they did not take Osama back to a base they immediately went to an aircraft carrier that promptly held a funeral at sea they then went to a base but Mya or whoever she is acting as never saw him with his own eyes and even if he did a chunk of his head was blown off because of the shot to the head.

and i can go on!

the directors did a great job at making the movie interesting but with all of these things wrong that was all i was focusing on all of these being wrong also made me question the rest of the movies credibility if i had absolutely no clue what had happened in real life i believe that i would have loved the movie.


Word of advice: On the internet, ANYONE can pretend to be an expert.

Unless you are able to back your claims with any sort of evidence, whatever you tell us is just "a claim".

Furthermore, a good idea delivered badly becomes a bad idea, and in your post, there's way too many mistakes of the grammatic/spelling/multiple repetitions of the same word variety, which makes your post difficult to comprehend. Again, it makes it less likely people will take your post seriously.

I obviously cannot comment on points 1, 2, 3 or 4, but as far as number 5 is concerned, what the movie was trying to point out was that someone had to verify that OBL was indeed killed during the mission. Ordinary soldiers, or even commanders of an Aircraft Carrier are quite clearly not able to do that. It does not really matter if they brought the body to an aircraft carrier and had an expert flown there to verify, or if they made a quick stop at a military base before flying the body to the sea.


When you fail to punctuate, the terrorists win.


Bin laden was never killed that day. Did they ever show his body. Its never was ever shown. The funeral was do rushed. Did they mention about any medicine found ? He had kidney problems. Its lies in order for obama to get an upper hand for his second term in office.


About the funeral being rushed, I may be wrong, but according to islamic guidelines should the body not be interred within 24 hours?

I'm leaving. I've assessed the situation, and I'm going.


yes but why would the US care about that. nobody would of. Remember the seals had cam helmets and at least they coyld of shown the final few seconds of the kill shot. freeze framed later for everyone to see and identify and feel satisfied to say yes thats him alright. Unfortunately the whole issue and the raid that night is shrouded in mystery.


They were not wearing helmet cams.


Night vision helmet cams apparently...

Anyway they didn't need them. They could've just asked the film crew with them to video the whole thing 'shaky cam' style.


why would the US care about that.

The U.S. does everything in its power to be considerate of the Islamists' rights, whether in Gitmo or in their native land or in the U.S. so don't give me that crap about "who cares, we do whatever we want." We do not flush Qurans down the toilet (they wouldn't go even if we tried, so you should realise you've been lied to with a big fat stick, and our idiot press picked up on it as if it were an obvious truth, fercrapsakes) and we do not make them eat pork and blah blah. The guys in Gitmo get all the prayer time and study time they need. Stop repeating the propagandists' lies, you're not helping anything but your own feeling of importance. It's disgusting.

"Oooo, lookee, a Sneerfest I can jump in on!!!"


The U.S. does everything in its power to be considerate of the Islamists' rights,

You've got to be kidding me........


The U.S. does everything in its power to be considerate of the Islamists' rights

You're not serious are you, you do know what happened to detainees at Bagram Prison aka Parwan Detention Facility?

US Vice President Dick Cheney made it clear that "the gloves were coming off" and the US tortured prisoners in all sorts of way:
- Placed in stress positions having your arms chained to the ceiling while in a 2 sq metre box covered with barbed wire.
- Beating these men's legs with batons until their legs turned to "pulp".
- Water boarding.
- Sensory Deprivation, sounds harmless but see how long you can go with no sight goggles, earmuffs, handcuffs and chains and a hood over your head. You literally go psychotic.
- Having dogs like German Shepherds try to bite you or have women soldiers sexually degrade you while you're naked.
- Sleep Deviation which too can cause you to go psychotic and hallucinate.
- Sexual assault such as sodomising prisoners with a "broomstick or chemical light".

This is only the tip of the iceberg that was done by the 519th Military Intelligence Battalion at Bagram, as I haven't even got to what happened to prisoners at Abu Ghraib, Iraq. My position is indifferent, I'm just stating the facts.

BUT HEY ALL'S FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR but don't give me this sh.t that the United States Military "does everything in its power to be considerate of the Islamists' rights"!

If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost


So, they were just being 'mistreated' for no reason ? The intel people just got up everyday and thought 'Its gonna be another dull day, lets torture a few of these guys,
have some laughs ..". Even if they talked, they would be water board for the hell of it
'cause everybody knows that the best way to get info is to get one to talk and then
water board 'em anyhow, ya know, just for the *beep*
Do ya just spew that bs because you're bored or what ?
TALK and the nasty stuff ends - simple as that. Who makes the choice not to talk ?
End of story.

TELLING THE AUTHORITIES OF WHAT YOU KNOW. If you know a terrorist attack is about to go down on civilian target(s) you are the scum of the earth and not worth any consideration from the rest of the civilized world if you don't speak up. Its that simple.


Of course he wasn't killed that day. How can you possibly kill someone that never existed in the first place?


Very true...



Live long and prosper.



Bin Laden's body was never released because Seal Team 6 pumped hundreds of rounds into his body after he was already dead. The US Government realized releasing his body could potentially have turned him into a martyr. Not to mention the blowback in the press on the domestic side would have been enormous.

See http://sofrep.com/33599/why-us-govt-hasnt-released-photos-ubl-corpse/


This was after they played poker with it, held a pool party in it's honour then took into the jacuzzi for some good old fashioned bubble time.


Sequel to Weekend at Bernie's?

 Live long and prosper.


And you're full of sht.

"Oooo, lookee, a Sneerfest I can jump in on!!!"



Factually questionable, like Lone Survivor. Dramatic and story worthy...yes, but why did it take 10 years to get him. Torture handicapped the search. That is what we should get from this movie


OBL has been dead since 2002. 9/11 was a inside job by the shadow govt and this movie is crap.


If he was dead in 2002, how could he possibly have commented on the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui in 2006?


I prefer Matt Bissonnette´s (Mark Owen) story.

´´This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time´´


The OBL on video ever since his death in 2002 was a paid actor courtesy of criminals in action aka CIA. He was just a boogeyman and scapegoat to brainwash Americans and justify war. The Afghanistan and Iraq war are part of the massive takeover of the middle east and to steal the resources of those countries. The new world order is real! Plus many of those seals that were supposely involved in that raid were killed in a helicopter missle attack months later. The govt always cuts loose ends.


None of the SEALs killed in the helicopter crash were from the bin laden raid. You're ridiculous.


The entire team responsible for the Bin Laden raid is dead.


You disgusting liar.

"Oooo, lookee, a Sneerfest I can jump in on!!!"




Yes, and of the 24 SEALs who assaulted teh compound, none of them were killed in that crash. You do realize that DEVGRU has a strength of a couple hundred, right? There are several squadrons within that "unit."
