Love it !

I love this movie


I really enjoyed it too. I think the problem with POTC fans is that they take the franchise waaaaay too seriously. Its always been about great FX, emotion, adventure and pure fun. Dead Men Tell No Tales has all of them.
I grew up with the original trilogy and watching this movie, i honestly felt like a kid again.

Sorry, my english is terrible. Im Argentinian.


Totally agree. People take this series WAY too seriously. It's always been about having a fun time, and Dead Men Tell No Tales delivers on that front.


I also have to agree. It made me laugh and I enjoyed a lot of the action sequences. Javier Bardem was also the best villain since the first film. Depp was very good too.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


Yep, Bardem was great. He's the best villain since Barbossa in the first film. Personally, I never really understood everyone's fascination with Davy Jones. He was a decent villain but nothing more, and his backstory (with Calypso) never really made me feel any great sympathy for him. If they do decide to bring him back (as the after credits scene hinted) I think it would be a mistake.


There is an end credit sequence for Dead Men Tell No Tales where it seems Jones will be coming back. You can check it out on youtube.


Yeah, I know. It seems like a mistake waiting to happen for a couple of reasons, in my opinion.

1. I don't think there's a single credible way in which they can bring Jones back in squid like form (as all the curses of the sea have supposedly being broken now).

2. Davy Jones' story has already been told. We don't want them to rehash villains (Barbossa is the only exception to this rule).

That's just my thoughts, anyway. How about you? Where do you stand on a potential sixth movie, and the return of Davy Jones?


The Pirates films in general are just starting to seem like another Fast and Furious franchise where over-the-top stunts and being constantly funny are all the fans really want. I find that enjoyable enough, if a little tiresome at over 2 hours so if they want to go forward i'd say try to keep the time down. I'd like them to change up the stories a little. Usually there is just a Mcguffin (in this case a trident) that everyone from Jack to Barbossa to the British Navy is just chasing around and I think people want fresher ideas than that.

As far as Jones, he was a fine villain. I really did like Bardem more here but if they can figure out a way to frame the story around him and breaking him of his curse (since he does seem to be still in squid like form) by centering it around him recapturing his lost love and frame it in that maybe they might have something a bit different.


I can confirm as a big fan of the franchise that I'll definitely settle for any other sequels having over-the-top stunts and being constantly funny. That's what I enjoy about Pirates. I know that some people want to see the series evolve and whatnot, but for me that just wouldn't work. I'm not saying that a little change up wouldn't be nice, but nothing too major.


The thing is there is a lot of people that want to see a POTC more similar to the first one (less over-the-top) . If they continue the franchise i dont think they will ever go back to that direction.
Even watching the first one today, i dont think the script, directing etc. were all that great. It was really the humour and the adventure that stood out.


The first one will always be the best for me. You can't beat nostalgia, really. It doesn't make a difference however good the next Star Wars movie is, for example, people will always say that either A New Hope or The Empire Strikes Back are the best movies in the Star Wars saga... As for Dead Men Tell No Tales, I actually thought that in terms of its plot and stuff it was much less over-the-top than Dead Man's Chest and At World's End were. It also never lost my interest like On Stranger Tides did, and that's why I think this one is the second best of the franchise.
