MovieChat Forums > Suburgatory (2011) Discussion > Dali should get her own show!

Dali should get her own show!

seasons 1 & 2 of this show are fantastic. season 3 IMO was for the most part terrible. the only times i laughed were in Dalia scenes. i'd faithfully watch a show centered on Dalia. i will miss this character whereas with all the other SUBURGATORY characters i won't miss them at all.


Maybe but only if it's subtitled, or she get eloquence lesson.


The only semi-original part of Dalia was her father fixation on Daddy Altman which the actress seemed to be playing as a fully genuine thing. It would have been interesting to see where the writers planned to take that aspect. Having a whole sitcom centered around Dalia though, would never work. That type of character is - just that (a type) and needs to play off the other (more or less) normal characters who do all the usual sitcom stuff and chew the scenery for more than half the screen time. It gives the edgy contrasting character something to shine against.

If you put a Dalia type center stage for a full 24 minutes, it's like watching a prop comic just smashing watermelons for his entire act - it gets old pretty fast. If you normalize her, say tone her down, then she's NOT Dalia any longer.

This is why classic standard characters like Frasier Crane can be successfully spun off but not a Carla Tortelli smart-mouth waitress type.

Eeek!!! I'm getting dressed.


Yes, she should get her own show where the Dalia caracter flunks school and becomes a stripper/escorte/sugar baby!


But she had a successful belt making business.


I agree.
