MovieChat Forums > The Man in the High Castle (2015) Discussion > Is there anything out there which shows ...

Is there anything out there which shows Nazis as the good guys?

Not really looking for a documentary like Triumph of the Will, but more something on the lines of Letters from Iwo Jima.


The bunker... with Anthony Hopkins...
some were ok ish guys.

Eat the Neocons.


Land of mine - (2015). A film about German teenage POWs forced to clear landmines in denmark with bare hands
Alone in Berlin - (2016) Remake of a German film from the '70 about a German couple that try to wake up the population about the nazis
Die weiße Rose - (1982) - Film about siblings Scholl - German resistance fighters while still being on high school
John Rabe - (2009) - Film about German official in China that saved quite a lot of Chinese from Japanese soldiers
Stalingrad - (1993!) -- avoid the remakes, go for the original movie about German soldiers in the hell of Stalingrad

and also of course Downfall, Das Boot were already mentioned but still a good watch


He sold it as the Polish were killing off Germans and Britain and France wouldn't he invaded to prevent anymore killing of his people.

In other words, you want to see a movie about *beep* and lies.
I think a big problem with the West today is that most people are not ideologically strong and want to believe any *beep* that's peddled to them, no matter how stinky, as long as it contradicts the "mainstream" narrative.

I'm not an American but ideologically I support the American hegemony, because I know that Americans are good guys and Russians and Chinese are bad guys. And that's a fact. Of course there are shades of grey to everything but there needs to be a solid political ground to stand on. And you can talk about Vietnam and Iraq was etc., but at least USA have free press, liberals and conservatives and 20 other kinds of people. Just make a quick web search in American media and you'll know everything about war crimes committed by the US during the last 200 years of its existence. If you want to know the same about Russian or Chinese war crimes and you look for them on their own web pages- fat chance! There is nothing. These people (or better to say, governments) don't believe that they've ever done anything wrong, and when there are some brave guys to go in public with such material, they are either laughed at, censored, deported or even worse...

Nazis were the bad guys. There were some people affiliated with the regime who were not bad guys, but when you look at history- yes, they were bad guys and no propaganda *beep* about Poles killing Germans will not change that.



I live in Sweden and there is still no crime. I think people should read and listen to right wing *beep* less. Will there be some psycho from those countries that cuts a head here and there? Sure there will be, but that does not an increased crime rate make. It's not like these people are going around killing and raping everyone, same as the German New Year's rape *beep* that was peddled to us... of which there are still maybe 2 rape reports filed for that night in a million city. You can look it up, how many actual rapes were reported. Conservatives like to pretend that only liberals deal in propaganda and *beep* but when you look around you can see conservative propaganda passed around as truth and common knowledge everywhere.


This is going to depend a lot on what you mean by Nazis. If you mean Germans, then, sure, there are lots of such movies . . . The Germans made the Sophie scholl movie and there was also a movie made about the firebombing of Dresden or Harmburg, in which a German nurse helps save the life of a downed Allied pilot . . .
